
At the rate plastic bags are being outlawed you better do it quick.

Gee I guess they were all using edge and it just randomly erased all their favorites,maybe they should have followed their own advice and backed up the settings themselves and reinstalled them 2 or 3 times a week.It’s not like maintaining a basic browser function is their problem. Or it could be that their bluetooth

In other microsoft news after it happened to me 6 times in the last two week it turns out that for at least the last year the edge browser will randomly erase all your favorites.So far their recommended fix is for you to backup your favorites yourself and then reinstall them.

Today for the first time in months I tried to use betternet vpn,it was unable to connect,however google logged me out of my google account and I never closed my browser.I have 4 tabs open in incognito mode,I used to be able to have 15-20 before this move to suspending tabs,and even though the numbers look great in the

I wonder if this is why I had to sign in to ytube for the first time in years.

I know it’s about the budget but the lack of scouts and spotters/snipers on both sides just adds to the stupid.

J.Edgar Hoover’s FBI is never really that far away is it.They can’t use this in court but just like the stingray garbage it can be used for threats and blackmail.

Now playing

SPOILER #####That’s the backstory of the main bad guy almost word for word.

I guess its the same people who don’t see remaking european fairytales with black casts as cultural appropriation.I don’t care either way but I get tired of the hypocrisy.

It isn’t just that google kills products it’s that they often do it by stabbing them to death.Someone could do an article following how they removed functions one after another until it became useless and then saying that they were killing it because no one was using it.Seven or eight years ago I was a solid google

To Mexico with all the “American” car makers.

No,I got a great example of what’s bankrupting communities.I live in Nevada and last year the local news ran a story that someone had used their pick-up to break and tow a trail head marker a half mile from its location.It was going to take at least $5000.00 dollars to replace.This was located at a out of the way not

During this season when we see someone get beat to death with a club be sure to look for the Louisville slugger emblem.

Just move the fireworks from the scoreboard to under random seats. Cersie’s random green fire home-run special.

How many times a day do you think about doing something you want to do and stop yourself because it would hurt someone you care about.It’s not the sex its the knowledge that this person knew you would be hurt and did it anyway.She and his best friend new how they would feel if it was done to them and there is no way

Don’t forget the CGI suit.

At the time many people who were reading comics and buying them at a comic store would pick up an extra 5 or 10 issues of a hot title.The books were relatively cheap and more often than not if you pr-ordered through the monthly catalog the more you bought the bigger your discount.This was also still the time before

Lincoln is busy hanging out with tattooed Lady Sif these days.