
Unless this includes a five minute head start for me you can piss off.I deserve a shot at the first cup on those lazy shit.

You’ll notice that most of these innovations come from companies that already have made their retirement money for the board and ceo’s.

Just looking at this Rube Goldberg tomfuckery made me cringe.I realize their showing this as a demo but if it can’t launch at least a half dozen drones at a time it looks like someone’s vanity project at least or an insider corporate a temp to sabotage someones project. 

Obi-wan gave up the rest of his life to protect and watch over Luke,he’s not a saint and I think we can let him slide on a few moments of dickishness considering what Anikin put him through.

Since this is the movie Logan not the comics he was born before the Civil War so before 1861 and if he first grew his claws during puberty then he would have been using them for over a century.Yes he didn’t go full adamantium until the early 70's and the movie takes place I think in 2026-29 he has had them for around

It could be worse,she could live in a country where the school system has systematically eliminated all civics classes so that generations will grow up with no real understanding of their rights or how their government was supposed to function. 

Has built in razor sharp claws and over a century to learn to use them.

Right up there with getting a copy or seeing a posted memo of how as a company “we” failed to meet our expectations and will need to tighten our belts and not to expect any bonuses or raises and then reading about the ceo and board getting bonuses that are 4 or 5 times my yearly salary. 

If someone makes an app like this and can connect it to uber you can have &guest delivered.

Hopefully someone in the gawkerverse will be able to find a politician or fake celeb who will mention the hairy empty box and they can cross post a story on i09 that has nothing to do with sifi or science but has a fantastic clickbait headline.  

Question 1,you may be misinterpreting the intent of the question.I have a full and satisfying personal life outside of work.I’m not antisocial toward the people I work with but I generally try and keep them separate.I have on more than one occasion run into companies that are staffed and run by people who’s lives

A dating site for people who like the walking dead,thank god grinder is already taken.

These jobs used to be how young people got their first taste of what it means to earn their own money and get a sense of personal pride.There is nothing shameful about hard work.

So how dose someone who is in their thirties who has lived their whole life in Mexico and legally immigrates to America   adapt to living in the US? If the whole bullshit argument about people living here their whole life being unable to adapt to their home country made any sense nobody would ever move to another

Try reading a history book.