
Every panel show for the last 2 months.Host:Today lets discus what was in the dnc hacked emails.Panel:Russians,Russians,Russians,fake news,rigged election,they picked sides and interfered with the election.Host: Sorry but so far there has been no actual proof of that.Panel:No didn’t you read the 3 letter agencies

This has only been up for a little bit,by tomorrow they will have a story up showing how this was all Trumps fault and cross post it on all their sites. 

If you have ever looked at the life-hacker articles on the ideal desk set up they always have three monitor.So 4chan on the right,reddit on the left and word processor app in the middle.

People who will be shocked in a few years when they find out that the NSA,FBI and the CIA are using these devices to track “terrorists”.Before installing one of these please do your own security research on this and all iot devices.

Star Worlds Episode XXXIVE=MC2: The Force Awakens The Last Jedi Who Went Rogue. Oh yeah, I’m totally not predicting an immediate Disney copyright lawsuit over, like, half of that stupid-ass title. I’m not predicting that you know nothing about how the law views parody and satire either.

This very article is an example of how social media has made it harder for garbage people like him to hid their garbage attitudes and behaviour.I think people are reading this wrong.He’s not upset the S.M. causes the problem,but that they used to be able to keep these things quiet.Thanks to sites like this a light has

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract is set to release later this year.So...tomorrow is later this year right.

I just wish they would create a new blog they could call fawker,stalker or shamawker for all I care,but I would like to go to my sifi or tech blog and read stories on those subjects and when I want to get political I’ll go there.I miss gawker,I went to it several times a day and liked to read and comment on their

Spiderman needs more Kingpin.

I went to school back when they used to still have civics courses every year and we spent one semester of every year from middle school through highschool studying the constitution.The benefit is having this knowledge,the down side is dealing with the fact that most people don’t and some have actively chosen to fight

Genetically modified gatorade brought to you by the One True God MONSANTO.You will obey. 

Most of the local idiots were cheering this choice because everything wrong is the teacher’s unions fault.They weren’t at all happy with me making the same argument that you are.”but if I get involved and things go wrong then it’s my responsibility.

I can’t help but think about what a great fit he would have been for the current arc of Legends.

I realise that my complaint only affects a small number of users but,about six months ago I started using the bike route function and I was fairly happy with its choices.The routes rather than follow the main roads,focused on roads that had marked bike lanes and was generally more relaxing.I use the maps function off

Thankfully the Post-apocalypse postman still delivers.

You forgot that at some point he has to call his mother Martha.

Didn’t know where else to put this but on this week’s Supergirl when Winn walks into Jimmy’s office after being punched in the face the night before I could swear he was wearing a Captain America shield T-shirt under his sweater.

There is nothing about this that isn’t cowardly.He put on a mask and suckerpunched this douch from behind,he is a gutless cowardly piece of shit.I see nothing wrong with wanting to punch this racist scumbag,but have the courage to face him and accept the consequences for your actions.Do that and I would cheer you and

I’ve reached a point in my life where the best thing I can do for myself is to buy things that can shut themselves off if I get distracted,forget it’s on the stove or fall asleep.