
Traditionally Batman doesn’t kill people.Not a big fan of killing bystanders to get the 35th #2 isis clown.

They reposted it to io9 and I’m just disappointed that they didn’t even try to get a quote from Kanye.

Considering Cable’s techno organic parts I’m sure we’ll be getting a few Remington Steele comments too.

Not if he sees money as power,which in his personal experience has been true.In the SW universe just like ours you can buy influence.In the ST univerce which is more driven by ideals someone like him would be of little interest to most people and would be seen as rather pityable and small.

You think at this point anyone putting a sifi show on fox would know to have showing the episodes in the proper order in their contract.

Worse is that the last two times my phone updated it actually eliminated the option for several of the apps that I had on my sd.

You should try reading your own websites,the fastest growing groups are the poor and the super rich.There is a fast growing market out there with plenty of disposable income who are focused on having the latest expensive doodad to show off to their Bros. 

Was this entire article based off a meeting with her PR team? She’s leaving fox, we need to rehabilitate her image for mainstream,let’s put out fake stories with vague wording about her not getting along with the other fake news anchors at the network.She carried water and spread the party line for years with a wink

My point is that both sides do this.

And that’s why she lost.

Unlike those of us who voted for hope and change? Google Obama’s you can take that to the bank speech.

And the only way to stop misogynists is with misandry.There is a special place in hell for people who believe that.

Yep it’s Bush’s fault that Obama couldn’t close gitmo,it’s Bush’s fault that the most open and transparent administration in history didn’t come out against national security letters and the use of secret courts.

It was a choice between narcissists,he chose his and you chose yours.

Why can’t these vets support a war hero like Bill?

You are perfect example of the PC attitude,your twisting everything this person said to justify your intolerance.