
“That’s just how it is here!” is the new “We were just following orders.”

It’s great to win the East and all, but trusting Foles with the offense is like trusting your Ferrari to a chump who did really, really well on his driving test a few years ago, but who’s driving record is filled with really dumb accidents since then. We’re fucked.

Okafor sighs, and looks out the window with a dreary mood, waiting patiently for the day when he can give up the ruse and get started on the career he always wanted—ship-in-a-bottle maker. Today, like so many days before it, is not that day.

Dayumm, Frankie! That’s serious ego strength, when you think that women would be more than happy to do nothing with you but help populate the world with what you obviously see as your ‘superior’ genetics. Well played, you magnificent smarmy bastard!

Oh, for fuck’s sake! Allen isn’t ‘understanding’ of women so much as he is ‘obsessed’ by them, or the younger ones, anyway. He’s a fucking creep who would’ve never made it this far if he didn’t do that ‘wimpy neurotic’ shtick so well. See, that allows him to appear less menacing and creepy, so he gets away with shit

My amazement with the shots they manage to get always runs a tight race against my ‘how the fuck did they manage to get that shot?’ shock.

It’s what you get when you combine a dead-end, anonymous career in Cubicle World with the sensibilities of any cut-rate Renaissance Fair.

C’mon, Hoffman. Don’t throw away a lifetime of goodwill because you think you can argue, deflect, or excuse your way out of this with bluster and/or trite ‘it can’t be true because I did this’ responses. Take a moment off-camera, realize where this issue sits right now, and if you insist on staying in the public eye,

“Haha! Pay no attention, folks! Hey, look at all that crazy stuff going on in New York! Crazy, crazy, right?? Oh, and lookit Carson Wentz in Philly! Exciting! And hey! Remember, NFL Cares, with us doing things for people or what-have-you. Just...don’t look at this silly ol’ game here.”, a panicked Goodell sputtered

This is such a trashy, overdone rag, it’s hard to work up anything resembling envy, or lustful desire for a life I’ll never know. It’s more like looking at a catalog of items that I simply have no real feelings of, one way or the other.

American Gestapo.

Well, I see that my sincere “Please play for Pittsburgh, because they are god and nice” letter didn’t do jack shit. And I did it in crayon and childish looking writing, too.

Yeah, well, he’s probably better at baseball, and also has tanned balls, so you’re still better off.

Yeah? Well, my Pirates claimed Nik Turley off waivers from the Twins! Nik Turley!

It might not be as good as it could’ve been, but seeing Robbie automatically makes it worth seeing. She’s one of the most versatile, gifted actresses working, second only to Adams, maybe.

Unfortunately, any ‘fun’ points Duke gains are severely outweighed by the sideline presence of the living embodiment of the exact opposite of ‘fun’.

Giants’ management is apparently finally getting on-board with all this ‘fantasy’ mumbo-jumbo that the kids are all into these days, and working their roster in that sort of fashion.

Stop. Just stop. The ‘apology after I’ve been caught’ statement is bullshit, and is like listening to the same stupid song over and over again, knowing that it’s stupid. These asshats abuse people for years, and never think twice about it, but as soon as they’re busted, they’re supposedly the most apologetic,

Which, of course, will work, because it’s not racism, intolerance, hatred, pedo-fucking-phelia, identifying with genocidal regimes, or the inability to register the suffering of others that’s the problem. It’s liberalism. Period. Fuck this loser, and fuck the moronic losers who support and vote for him.

The $2,500 fee is post cat-getting-head-stuck-in-jar.