
I would’ve never thought Andy Reid’s approach to the 2 minute drill/clock management would’ve been applied on a wider basis, but, well, here we are...

Because Donnie, his minions/lackeys, and, oddly, his hilariously short-sighted supporters see anything aimed at helping or protecting the 99% as a fucking atrocity, despite the fact that so many of said supporters are more than happy to turn to those same governmental agencies in their times of need.

Well, of course they aren’t staying away! If they don’t go, how will they pal around with the power brokers?? After all, modern journalism/news is more about access, not accountability.

It’s more than a little nauseating to see just what the GOP will tolerate and promote in their distressingly successful war on decency. And frightening, too, because these short-sighted dipshits are willing to slit their own figurative throats so long as it appears that progressive thinking is being subjugated.

Maybe they should just create some more bowl games?

Because (a dumbass segment of) the people spoke, and made it known that they were sick of competent, mature leadership, and calmly bringing the country through some very difficult times, and instead wanted Leadership By Twitter, and someone who wasn’t afraid of tackling the most mundane, trivial, and inconsequential

I’m sure Donnie’s ‘analysis’ stopped right at the big, unavoidable ‘R’ in front of his name. Everything else is just static.

I like how somebody had the weird idea that anybody actually gave a shit what Paul Tagliabue had to say about anything game-related. Maybe we should ask David Stern what he thinks about new VR possibilities while we’re at it.

It’s like hieroglyphics, but less clear and translatable.

So he’s a hipster Joel Osteen, then?

It’s an updated version of ‘The Process’, known as ‘The...Process?’

The only people who could possibly be surprised by this would have to have never developed the concept of ‘object permanence’.

Watching that fake reminded me of what happened when the CPU called the exact defense to match your play call in Tecmo Super Bowl. It was a good memory, and then reminded me of how I could run back to the one yard line and have Warren Moon throw 99 yard TD passes all game long, on his way to a 15,000 yard passing

Nope. I can’t say that I will. I gave Snyder more than a chance, gave the DC universe more than a chance, and there’s nothing in past experience, or in the promise of the current one, to convince me that this’ll be anything more than something to fill vacant time. This whole crapfest is nothing more than a meaningless

And somewhere, in a corner of the spiritual world cut off from every other part of the growing, developing spirit world, the wheezy corporeal spirit of Joe Pa squints, smiles, makes absolutely goddamn sure his khakis are no less than 4 inches from the tops of his black shoes, and mutters ‘Good man, there’. Then

Sorkin was taken aback, I’m sure, as her response was so simple and direct, he had no way of processing what she was talking about.

I said, “Holy shit. Danny Glover’s still around?”

Hey, it’s great and all that it worked out, and I’m glad the guys are heading back home. Still, come on, man. Aren’t there some significantly more pressing issues for 45 to be more concerned about? But then again, this is a softball issue that’ll make him look presidential without requiring a lot of thought, so it’s

Look, it’s really simple—Jeffy is invested in the idea that his group is morally, ethically, and genetically superior. White terror groups exist only as a reactive force, to protect against the encroachment of other racial groups. They’re defenders, in his mind. Everybody else is inferior, deviant, and an abomination

Get yourself stable, dude, then get into therapy and learn some new interactional/relationship skills, because this path right here will never lead anywhere good.