
This is the sort of excitement that I greet every morning with! Except in my scenario, the ankle never heals, the foot needs to be amputated, the team folds, and everybody feels pretty fucking stupid for getting their hopes up in the first place.

On a side note, I can tell you from a couple of years of fantasy football ownership several years ago that what Saban did with the QB change took guts, man. I know exactly what that took to make that change. I been there, man. Me and Sabes, man. Yeah...

I vouch for adding the ability to question voters who continue to put these doddering types in the office, and have them explain what the fuck they’re thinking by doing that along with making their case for why they should keep the opportunity to bitch about how nothing in Washington ever changes.

This is the type of ‘analysis’ not usually seen outside of mumbled conversations at a shitty diner on the tail end of a long, exhausting night of drinking. Good job, Mr. Analyzer Thinking Guy!

While it’s hardly surprising to see that a pro politician is selfishly in it for their own personal gains, it does illustrate the idea that those who can advocate and fight for groups like the 99%, the tolerant, those who are considered outside the mainstream and thus are rejected by those in power, or others, simply

Organized sports has decided (or at least pretended to), that being a bad sport will get you punished, no matter how skilled you are.

Trump supporter/general idiot: “Yes, but will he keep the dirty immigrants out? Will he allow law enforcement to turn entire races into cannon fodder? Will he protect Christmas/the children/our precious, precious morals? Because that’s all that matters, anyway. I don’t care about literally anything else but those

I will guarantee that Lee is the type who complains about those ‘lazy’ types who are ‘gummin’ up the GODDAMT court system with a buncha frivlas lawsuits ‘cause they ain’t nuttin’ but a buncha GODDAMT freeloaders!’

A useless person, expelled from a useless Admin. How very fitting.

As a white liberal male in the deep central south, I feel like an endangered species. Attempting to talk to people about this insane, irresponsible and toxic backwards thinking is like speaking to them in an ancient, forgotten tongue.

Oh, they caught it, but then they got distracted with riffing that “I don’t believe in tipping” scene from Reservoir Dogs over and over again, while Darvish threw BP.

“That’s just how it is here!” is the new “We were just following orders.”

It’s great to win the East and all, but trusting Foles with the offense is like trusting your Ferrari to a chump who did really, really well on his driving test a few years ago, but who’s driving record is filled with really dumb accidents since then. We’re fucked.

Okafor sighs, and looks out the window with a dreary mood, waiting patiently for the day when he can give up the ruse and get started on the career he always wanted—ship-in-a-bottle maker. Today, like so many days before it, is not that day.

Dayumm, Frankie! That’s serious ego strength, when you think that women would be more than happy to do nothing with you but help populate the world with what you obviously see as your ‘superior’ genetics. Well played, you magnificent smarmy bastard!

Oh, for fuck’s sake! Allen isn’t ‘understanding’ of women so much as he is ‘obsessed’ by them, or the younger ones, anyway. He’s a fucking creep who would’ve never made it this far if he didn’t do that ‘wimpy neurotic’ shtick so well. See, that allows him to appear less menacing and creepy, so he gets away with shit

I have to be honest here: picking on Furries seems like the last (at least marginally) socially-acceptable redoubt of the same impulses that drive homophobia and transphobia.

My personal experience with Furries has been limited; I know and am friends with two folks who identify with the fandom, and I’ve interacted with

I just watched the preview for the first time, and the first thing that flew out of my mouth was, after a silent prayer of thanksgiving for the continued existence of Sir David, “DID YOU GUYS PUT A GO-PRO ON A SEA TURTLE??????”

My amazement with the shots they manage to get always runs a tight race against my ‘how the fuck did they manage to get that shot?’ shock.

It’s what you get when you combine a dead-end, anonymous career in Cubicle World with the sensibilities of any cut-rate Renaissance Fair.