Lee picked a really poor way to express his desire to shift up his training regimen.
Lee picked a really poor way to express his desire to shift up his training regimen.
Damn. With these numbers, maybe Andy should aim a bit lower. Say, President of his country club, or maybe of his HOA.
Reminds me a lot of my softball retirement announcement—I was recently divorced from my wife, which put my position on her company’s softball team in no small peril. Several weeks after the season should’ve started, I called the team captain and asked when we were getting together. He haltingly told me that I was, you…
It’s like a terrible rebooting of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ (a fucking fantastic, transcendent movie). Call it....’Morally Bankrupt Mountain’, maybe.
I’m oddly comforted by the fact that my almost-complete anonymity in the online world, and the ease with which most people ignore me, is cushioned by that anonymity. It would be worse to be an online washed-up, once-halfway kind of decent athlete who uses the platform to spew nonsensical drivel, which they then double…
Smell that? Smells like greatness, dammit! Admittedly, it smells like shit, and mockery, and making a fucking joke out of the democratic process and the office of the President of the United States, but still....keep makin’ that greatness, baby!
This Bennett/Packers mess is a metaphor for all of us, as we navigate through life, man. It’s, like, nobody can really figure it out in the moment, man, but all we can do is just, you know, keep on playin’, man. Or maybe like a bad relationship, where neither really wants to be in it, but neither side has the guts to…
I’m not anywhere near ‘perfect’ and have never sold myself as such. At the same time, I have no fucking idea how a person could look themselves in the mirror knowing that their behavior was so overwhelmingly dickish and considered so reprehensible, they had to have contractual protections in place to shield them from…
Yeah, baby! It’s this tough, no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is mentality (usually not seen out of a pre-K classroom) that really made him a great choice to lead the nation through an impossibly complex 21st century sociopolitical world! Now give him his wub wub and paccy, goddammit! It’s TV and twitter time!
But of course he is! Today’s GOP heroes aren’t in it for the people! They’re in it for a certain type of people, and if the people in general go against them, they have no qualms about taking a giant dump on the democratic processes that they say they hold as dear as they do their hottest Ronnie Reagan fantasies.
The thing that strikes me in all of these stories is how utterly terrifying it must be to be completely overpowered and unable to stop somebody from doing whatever they want to you. And to be nine freaking years old....Jesus...
It’s a good start; a place to build upon and expand from. I just hope that the first, optimistic strides can be effectively followed-up with tangible results that can be used as ‘proof’ that something besides ignorant, racist nationalism can work.
Halladay was one of those guys who had the throwback asthetics without the faux-toughness and bitching about how things aren’t like they used to be. He just went out and fucking dominated, then got on with the rest of his life until he went back out five days later and did it again. Man, he was good.
That’s a 15 yard penalty for Unnecessary Hitler Reference, loss of down, and the Governor has been ejected from the game. Shit, Gov, you can’t just compare something with the alltime leader in Human Evil and expect it to fly as ‘acceptable’. Horrific shit happens all the time, and it’s horrific even if it has nothing…
No, but I have been threatened by my neighbors if I don’t stop using their water to water my grass. Selfish bastards.....
Yeah, man, that excuse is garbage, and you fucking know it. NObody who cares about other people reaching their potential threatens them with shooting them in the head. That’s bullshit, and shows that you have no business having anything to do with, well, damn near anybody, but especially students.
In reading the interview, Gordon’s saying the things you want to see from a recovering addict, and it rings sincere. This has the potential to be a great redemption story, and I wish him well for his own sake.
That’s the sort of completely nonsensical answer of someone who isn’t only wrong, but who doesn’t give one single shit about the issue. Of someone who cares more about what’s on the menu for the next meal than they do about gun violence.
That ‘punishment’ is a pretty clear indication that the school really didn’t want to do anything, and they did the barest possible minimum to give the impression that they gave a damn.
Sanders’ inability to change the message he’s been championing for his entire political career highlights the idea that he’s yet another professional politician who’s more interested in extending his career than in fighting for any particular group or cause. His message is still salient, but his unwillingness to pivot…