
Because ‘That King of Queens show was a huge hit, and we wanted to do it again’ didn’t sound as, you know, refined and professional-style.

I suggest a new GOP slogan: “Today’s GOP—We Support The Veterans We Like, When We Think About It Or When It’s Convenient, Until They Need Actual Help, And Then They Can Go Fuck Themselves!”

Former Navy SEAL, who probably has all sorts of cool stories about how to kill a man with an American flag? Head of a merc group, supposedly kickin’ the asses of a bunch of innocent civi.....errr.....TERRORISTS? Supporter of Christian supremacy? Firm believer in outdated concepts that harken back to a time when

I know I keep repeating myself, but it’s only because the opportunities given by this Admin and it’s fans arrive on a daily (hourly?) basis—the election was about the reestablishment of guilt-free white superiority, without compromise or apology. Literally everything else after this means nothing and is considered

Yeah, well, sorry, but they had a budget deficit, they’re being punished because God is pissed we all crack on the orange marshmallow, we can’t just stay down there forever because we have other commitments or something, and other bullshit excuses that said marshmallow and his fans use to basically tell everybody down

Lackey was acting like someone who, out of nowhere, right then and there, suddenly realized that their life had gone nowhere near where they wanted it to, and that the time to make serious changes was melting away much faster than they realized, so they’d better not waste any more of it.

Man, this story is like reopening an old would with an exquisite blade. I screamed at the TV “NOT BELINDA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BRINGING HIM IN?!” or something to that effect (I forgot in a haze of shock and dread about what was going to happen), and watching it unfold was like those few milliseconds right before a car

Ho...lee SHIT, this looks great!! I know trailers are basically nothing more than ‘fake news’ these days, but every vibe coming off this looks amazing. That cast, the character, the story....oh MAN, this is deliciously good.

Jesus....Woody fucking Allen. The only people who give a shit about what he thinks are intellectual try-hard ‘elites’ and Theater school snobs, because he hasn’t been actually relevant in decades, and his attitudes towards women are a more-refined Trumpian style.

McAdoo’s melodramatic quote indicates he would be a great choice for a ‘Real Head Coaches of (insert city name)‘ show on Bravo, as the ‘Dramatic Martyr’ character type. Raj and Andy Cohen should get started on this right away.

Of course he did. His Admin choices read like a Who’s Who list of the very worst the right has to offer. Racism, greed, religious intolerance....it’s all right there. If Reagan was still alive, even he’d think this shit was going a bit too far.

Not getting much attention in the offense, and the team isn’t “interested” in trading him. That’s like being in a relationship with someone who suddenly ghosted you about two weeks ago.

Donnie likes to point out the excessive shortcomings of his minions only when it serves to humiliate them in front of others, because like many people of his ilk, he feels better about himself when shaming and humiliating others. He’s the type that’ll be a good friend when it’s just the two of you, but then will tease

“Civil War Day”.

Giving reparations is a good start, so long as it’s understood that (a) money cannot possibly make up for the lives and generations forever altered by what the reparations are supposed to make up for, and (b) only throwing money at the issue will do nothing by itself. There has to be further involvement and engagement

Well, he can always try to make the issue about something it has absolutely nothing to do with, and then try to bully everybody involved into bending to his will.....wait......

It reminds me of how I approach life—overly detailed explanations that attempt to justify the ridiculous amount of effort I put in to trying to accomplish something significant, only to end up failing spectacularly, which is quickly forgotten about by everybody listening, as they move on to the more-enjoyable

And somewhere, Tim Allen chortles, smiles ruefully, and revels in the come-uppance long overdue for the network. And nobody knew about it, because fuck that guy; he hasn’t been anything near ‘funny’ since the American public was drowning in AOL discs.

Wow. Nothing screams ‘If we fucking have to’ more than a vague promise that something will be done sometime....when they get around to it....eventually....one of these days.....

As if any further proof that the most recent election was nothing more than the reestablishment of white superiority was needed, there is not one fucking thing about this that does one single thing to make this country better. Whiter, yes. Better, no.