
I don’t think they can Incredible Hulk this series, it was very obvious that  Guardians Vol. 2 was not the end and with continuity being such a built in feature of the MCU it’s troublesome to just drop a series this late in the game. 

I mean, it’s fair that he got charged for trying to kick someone and fighting with the police but calm the fuck down Arby’s employee.  It’s a bit of fountain soda, it’s not coming out of your pocket and you better hope this guy doesn’t have the wherewithal to sue you for this incident.  It’s better to just let

In unrelated news, Warner Brothers/DC has just greenlit Protectors of Space, which will feature Starfire, Lobo, Adam Strange, Captain Carrot, and Baytor.

1. That board of tweets was not randomly selected, it was artfully put together to create a narrative, specifically that Gunn is a pedophile. Taken individually most of those tweets aren’t even really about pedophiles but they’ve been assembled with ones that are so it creates a bigger picture. For 2007-2009 those

It’s almost like the concept that a movie about a transgendered person couldn’t be successful without having the role be played by a CIS A-lister was part of or the entire reason behind the controversy in the first place!

Jennifer Grey versus the actual color gray, it was a rough year.

She’s not nearly as horrifying as The Perfect Human to Survive Car Crashes

They’re turning one of Jimmy Pardo’s Cajun Jimmy bits into a movie? I can’t wait to see what they do with “When sibling fucks sibling, you gonna get a deer face.”

The name predates America.

Then you’re a terrible person and you deserve all the ridicule you continue to receive.

So if you didn’t care about the feelings of a particularly awful person who happens to be a different race does that mean you expect carte blanche to say whatever racist shit you choose to? Or do you maybe realize that you can have a beef with one person and not the race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation they

Deadnaming falls under that umbrella, he knows she doesn’t go by Bruce so he’s just being a fuckhead for being a fuckhead’s sake.

She’s a piece of shit, making fun of her gender still makes you a dick.

It’s a snobs vs. slobs comedy, essentially Caddyshack with highway patrolmen instead of country club denizens.

They’re kind of apples and oranges though, Reno 911 was very much a mockumentary sendp-up of Cops and held obvious and open contempt for the police officers it featured, Super Troopers was more of a Caddyshack-esque snobs vs. slobs affair. We weren’t meant to side with Reno cops, but we’re meant to cheer on the

Caitlynn Jenner is a treasure trove of big easily highlighted things to dislike and mock, which is what makes the people who go out of their way to take her down a peg for being transgendered such massive assholes.

I am using my agreement with you to piggyback onto a thing that bugs me that is like this thing.

Amen to this, I have one of the most stupidly easy to pronounce last names. It’s not uncommon, it is in fact a fairly common surname for white people, especially white Americans with an Irish ancestry. It’s half of the hyphenated surname of a current sitcom star (Wendy Mclendon-Covey). It’s even a word in the

I hear you and I understand your point but at the end of the day I can play Chrono Trigger on my PC without downloading an emulator. Does it look marginally worse? Sure. Is it still Chrono Trigger that doesn’t require me to get an ancient SNES or elderly PS2 out of the closet or pay $30+ to play on a tiny screen? It

We are a society that has spent 36 years debating whether the appearance of an origami unicorn means that Rick Deckard is a replicant even though the explicit subtext of the movie Blade Runner is that it doesn’t fucking matter whether he’s a replicant or not. What I’m saying is that our pursuit of concrete facts that