
Does this mean Hardees can get back the addictive roast beef sandwiches they had in my childhood? (They were basically the same as Arby’s roast beef sandwiches.)

While Spirit Airlines may in fact be the worst airline in the world this sounds more like an attention seeking (maybe crazy) person trying to get attention or money (presumably all the money Spirit hoards instead of spending on quality planes, maintenance, or friendly customer service.) I mean, it’s a hamster, if

And even if he wasn’t named Jesus/Joshua/Yeshua, even if he wasn’t born of a virgin or sacrificed on a cross, even if literally everything we know about Jesus is a fabrication there was a guy who said “Hey guys, this Judaism sucks. Let’s fix it.” That guy, regardless of his name or what he actually did is the father

Well the nativity story has been picked to pieces already as is, but as many have pointed out, the man didn’t exactly have a unique name. He was basically a wandering vagrant who enjoyed a fringe notoriety for a couple years before being executed. It was the apostles who made him a legend but to the Romans who killed

I am of the firm belief that this movie, When the Wind Blows, and Barefoot Gen should be watched back-to-back by kids in seventh grade in this country. Maybe we’d have fewer hooting assholes cheering when the president brags about the size of his nuclear button on Twitter.

I’m happy to see Flanagan having successs on Netflix but I really wish they wouldn’t hold his movies hostage from physical releases. I very much want to own this (I’m aware there’s a Canadian blu-ray), Hush, and Gerald’s Game but the likelihood that any will ever be released is slim.

I really liked this one for a number of reasons, not the least of which because it didn’t end with an implication of Charlie Brooker saying “Social media” in a spooky voice while holding a flashlight under his face. I kept expecting a hackneyed rug pull like White Bear to come along but thankfully it never did.

See but intent is hard to establish, there’s nothing literally pornographic in this video just like there’s noting pornographic about a woman stepping on eggs barefooted but the intent of such a video is for pornographic use and I’m clueless as to who this video would be for if not a pedophile with a weird fetish.

Redbox are fools. A Disney lawyer once made a Tobacco Lobbyist cry with nothing more than a progression of aggressive eyebrow wags.

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Watch this (this is a toy freaks video that has been re-uploaded) and tell me what audience it’s meant for if not pedophiles.

Man, Brad Dourif is looking rough these days.

I have seen no compelling evidence to support the theory that they’re any worse than his “last good movie” The Devil’s Rejects. I watched Natural Born Killers and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 seperately, I didn’t find that mashing them together and throwing Sherri Moon Zombie into the mix improved them.