Uh, no we don’t? We take the piss out our government all the time. Its practically a national pastime.
Uh, no we don’t? We take the piss out our government all the time. Its practically a national pastime.
1st I’ll address the “I’m gonna stop you there” part of your comment, you couldn’t on your best day
I remember that. It was crazy. I was miserable working at a shitty job (Selling timeshare over the phone) and all I wanted to do when I got home was play HL2 (Because honestly City 17 was a nicer place than my job) and it was so frustrating when I couldn’t.
I’m gonna stop you there. I like Obama, but there are children in the Middle East who are afraid to go outside on sunny days because of Obama’s over-use of drones.
You’re making a lot of unfounded assumptions about me. As a young man I was pretty much very anti-abortion. Then I grew up and realized that I would never be in the position where my life would be impacted by being pregnant and I had no right to hold that position of force it on a woman as I would never understand…
Yeah. Prohibition really stopped people consuming alcohol. The war on drugs has really stopped people acquiring drugs because its so dangerous to do so.
Do you think this law will actually prevent abortions? If you do you are a fucking moron.
Yes, but if you are a CEO who thinks Stasi snitch laws are good and have a boner for oppressing women, maybe you should be smart enough to realize publicly expressing those opinions will financially hurt your company and keep that shit on the DL.
Are you fucking high?
Tell me, do you support sex education in school? Do you believe women should have free and easy access to contraceptives?
Losing your job for supporting a fascist law that encourages citizens to snitch on their friends, neighbors and family is fine.
That show if fantastic. I wish they had let it run a few more seasons.
Yes. When it comes to not letting a woman die due to birth complications or not forcing victims of incest/rape to carry her attacker’s child to term or just letting women make choices about their own bodies, the fuckers who make my entertainment need to align with me or I’m not dropping money on their games.
So is the GOP going to make contraception easily available to women via universal healthcare? Because that would reduce abortions more than any anti-abortion law ever would.
But you’re cool with a Stasi-lite law that encourages citizens to snitch on their friends, family and neighbors for financial rewards?
Meh, Patriotism is just Nationalism’s kissing-cousin. They are both shite.
‘True Gamer’
Those movies all sucked. They would have sucked in the cinema. They would have been here today and forgotten this evening if they had been released in theaters. The Michael Bay Ryan Reynolds one was borderline a crime against humanity.
You are giving an obscure, failing blog a lot of fucking credit for something they had virtually zero influence over.
Skin, hair, beards ArtBreeder still struggles with these. Also, after playing around with Artbreeder for a while I can instantly spot an artbreeder image if one pops up in my pinterest - even if I’ve never see THAT particular face before. There is a generic sameness to most of the images generated.