Capitalism rewards risk-taking, you guys. That’s why CEO’s can devalue and embarrass their company their sheer corruption and incompetence, get bought out and still expect a $300 million bonus check for being fired.
Capitalism rewards risk-taking, you guys. That’s why CEO’s can devalue and embarrass their company their sheer corruption and incompetence, get bought out and still expect a $300 million bonus check for being fired.
Absolute zinger bomb dropped on a man who surely wouldn’t be able to hit his article quota hitting ctrl+c all over the dang web
A few months from now, Kotick will claim that by his assessment, the company culture had improved considerably and therefore he will remain in position. The Board will unanimously agree.
I’m getting space fantasy vibes. I didn’t get a single Cyberpunk vibe. I mean, there was a robot. But robots are a space fantasy thing, too.
OK, fine. Be anti choice. I might even go along with it as long as you promote the following (play along with me now):
1. Mandatory science and fact based sex education, beginning by second grade. No exceptions on any grounds, even if you home school your kids.
2. Free birth control for all, no questions asked.
What do…
Fuck these “insider accounts.” The dirt was dished in public view for four years. All these assholes were co-conspirators. Unless these accounts are being used as testimony in criminal cases, not interested.
If they really cared about stopping abortions, they’d be donating to birth control charities.
Yeah, let’s stop sitting indoors and staring at screens, get out of the house and go to a building where you pay twelve bucks to sit indoors and stare at a screen. But now you’re surrounded by strangers, you can’t pause the movie, and all the food costs $30. This is better, we promise.
You missed “male”. The whole point of restrictive abortion legislation is to prove how much they hate women.
Picked up this game on a whim last week and am utterly addicted. I’m a middle-aged guy who started playing D&D as a kid in the 80's and this is the first video-game I’ve ever played that has so completely captured that sense of story, exploration, and wonder that those early table-top games created. For those in the…
Has anyone else noticed the literal same conversation occurring across all industries, all the time?
Just name him Huckleberry, he already has a voice line in game for it.
Nah, I'm going to assume anybody who flips their shit over the racial purity of a cartoon space show isn't getting laid.
Lets be real, this game is being attacked and review bombed by incels. So pissed its not some massive titted 13 year old anime girls they arent able to date/force.
Why are you so desperate to use rare medical anomalies to prove “sex is a spectrum”. Are you going to argue that albino black people aren’t black? That black people with vitiligo aren’t black? That black people with small noses and big lips aren’t black? If somebody made a movie where white people didn’t exist…
Everyone with a Y chromosome except for 1 human dies from a virus. It is that simple. This fictional virus doesn’t care about anything else. I’m not sure if the show is somehow messing up this most basic concept, but I fail to see how this could outrage anyone.
The entire concept of “libertarian” just comes down to one of two things: “rich sociopath in a position of power who doesn’t want to ever face accountability” or “smoothbrain dupe”.
this is great and all but the UK is not doing OK and with it looking like the dumb fucks (hi I’m English) will keep voting the Tories in forever no matter what they do, expect to see those labour standards slide in the name of “attracting the best global talent to our world-beating employer-friendly economy 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬�…
Dear GOD the amount of folks with the “No one knew about Cosby in 2014" takes. Open secret. Woody Allen. Louis C.K. Miramax. Everyone knew. That was the disgusting joke.
This went wrong when the teacher felt he needed to bring his own person Nazi flag to school