A videogame franchise is not the same thing as a platform.
A videogame franchise is not the same thing as a platform.
Don’t hold your breath. Microsoft only spends money on things that are already making a fuckton of money (Established Franchise) or are projected to make a fuckton of money (Emerging Franchise). And even if the latter only makes some money or even a shitton of money, that’s still not a fuckton of money, and will get…
The best explanation I have heard is, ‘An NFT is like having a picture of an anime girl on your computer and telling people that she is your girlfriend.’
1. Laundering drug money
Some people deserve to be kicked when they are down. These people deserve to be kicked BECAUSE they are down.
The games industry pivoted to remote working practically overnight.
This is what happens when you tell a ‘blogger’ that he is is actually a ‘journalist’.
Cowboy Bebop was... not good though. It was painful to watch and did not deserve a second season.
Capitalism has taught people in the West (But particularly in the USA) that money = morality.
This is and always will be, the only correct response.
That’s quite a lot better than what HBO ave us, even if only half of its pans out.
This is such a cunty little piece, Luke.
I can’t imagine anything more tedious and tooth-grinding than being an actual astronaut (or worse, the commander) on the ISS doing actual work and then being stuck there with some ivory-tower dwelling billionaire who is just doing it because he can.
Not true. ‘Cracker’ has no power compared to slurs that have the context of deliberate generational power-imbalance, abuse and trauma used intentionally to dehumanize specific groups of people and the use of such worlds evokes and endorses said dehumanization.
Fun fact: Fable wasn’t even Peter’s idea. It was the Carter brothers who came up with it while they were being published by Lionhead at Big Blue Box. Of course, development would be brought in-house and it would go on to be Lionhead’s only successful franchise (painfully mediocre as all of its entries were). All of…
I think it possible to cover games industry abuse AND cover Molyneux’s lesser sin of being a serial hack jumping on another bad idea bandwagon.
and it should be noted here that Westwood’s classic 1992 RTS had nothing to do with David Lynch’s movie either (and in many cases featured better/more interesting unit design anyway!).
URgh, what? Glad I noped out on this after the first episode.
I’m not an Otaku. I’m just a normie who enjoys an occasional Anime who discovered and enjoyed Cowboy Bepbop as a teenager. I was looking forward to this. I wanted it to be good. It wasn’t. The end.
Ok, reading that back I may have gone a little overboard...