
You need Batman before Robin/Nightwing.

Obviously I'll reserve judgement until reading some of the new books, but so far - especially compared to the creativity of the Krakoan era - this looks like a generic yawnfest.

Honestly I wish they had stayed in the Krakoa era for the next 20 years. There were so much unused potential in that setting.

I’m sure it will be a great creative team, but I admit I find losing Krakoa as a setting a step back no matter what the new status quo is.

For a person who chose the name: “freedomisnon-negotiable” you seem pretty fucking immune to the irony of that statement, which to be fair, is par for the course. 

Ha! Its probably harder now to access these sites than get a gun in Texas.. priorities..

That was my thought, he’s got Musk’s shaft so far down his throat that he can’t even admit the obviously shitty design was shit and likely contributed to his wife’s death if not outright caused it. I get being an EV fan but doesn’t mean one still can’t say something is bullshit on specific EV’s and a shitty design. A

having an entire interface be a touchscreen is so dumb. I can fumble with my hand around my dash in my 2021 kia and still get to what I need to (volume, a/c, whatever) without ever taking my eyes off the road. I know what the buttons feel like and I know where everything is. Having to take your eyes off the road to

Remember if you’re backing up you along with your foot get pushed forward. If she was at the end of the 3-point turn and intending to get up to road speeds it’s very likely she tried to accelerate normally, got pushed forward due to the momentum, and pushed the pedal even harder.

Dreamscape is a classic!

I’m not really familiar with this character, but to continue to bring characters back from the dead will mean the eventual death of drama in whatever universe they inhabit.

It shouldn't. Have you heard of MAGA?

A lucky sucker punch knocking out a dying 70 year old man is a “big plot hole now? And it’s because he’s previously been punched without being knocked out?

Elsewhere, the 50th was marked with a mini-episode called “The Night of the Doctor,” marking Paul McGann’s return to on-screen Doctor Who for the first time since the 1996 TV movie

Tech dude here. I can’t make art and can’t wrap my head around the need to make art. I do not have that innate compulsion to create something with nothing but a vision and anything that I do create when I try comes out dry and soulless. That lack of understanding inherently makes me appreciate art and artist for the

pro 3d artist for games of 13 years, here (for games). i think i can speak for my group and say that we aren’t generally afraid of new technology, we welcome it and its often required learning. but, this isn’t the same thing. your argument can’t be applied to every single thing as a blanket statement because...some

Why do all the AI dudes have the artistic understanding of a literal child.

If you remove that parenthetical, the sentence makes more sense.

That’s a really good question. Here’s how I think it works, and I really hope someone will correct me if I’m wrong: When Elliot Page announced his trans identity, he was coming out as and discovering who he deep down always felt he was. Thus if we assume that someone’s identity has continuity through time, Elliot Page

Or, you can let people enjoy things.  If comics aren’t your thing, that’s fine, but there’s zero need to go poop on someone else’s rainbow.