
Yeah, “bad” movies used to at least be labors of love. I watched the movie “Space Truckers” a few months ago and it had two generations of viewers absolutely riveted for the entire runtime.

Where did the article make Ratner out to be anything other than someone who was involved in the prospective movie? Is just mentioning his existence making him a “good guy”?

It’s only human nature to want to take something like this and screw with it.”

Why? I’m just curious what that even means.

From the first trailer, I knew it was going to be a mess. The tone it was going for and Ryan Reynolds’ vibe were completely dissonant.

It also felt like a broad idea someone had and then desperately tried to flesh out with uncertain results. It LOOKS unsure of itself. You can feel the flop sweat coming off of a movie

It really does look like concept art brought to life. In a very BAD way.

I’m perma-grey so I don’t know who will see this, but RE:editing? YES! I’ve been saying this for a few years now. These lengths are NOT necessary for these stories. I shouldn’t be begging high-octane action films to end, but John Wick has been taking me there since the second one. The pacing of these pop culture movies

Speaking as someone who read the comic upon release and loved it... I generally agree.

X-Factor. That’s from X-Factor, designed by Joe Quesada

Even when I was a kid buying tshirts at the comic shop, I HATED shirts and posters that had big garish logos. It looked too childish for a twelve year old, and they’re still making merch like this garbage for a show that appeals directly to nostalgia. Use the artwork and the character motifs and silhouettes, not the

Whenever we speak of those dark days, “For the time” should be assumed to be at the end of every bit of praise. It was all various levels of trash, so even a hint of quality storytelling or mature themes was notable.

You’re in trouble in a few years when they are completely unconcerned with spelling, since “i’m not in school so it doesn’t matter” is getting more and more prevalent. They get aggressive about it now.

You know what? This list had me in the first half. I started out thinking “What is this garbage?” and ended up thinking “What IS this garbage :D?

I will definitely save this list for later. “MINOTAAAAAUR!”

Never be ashamed for calling Dreamscape a classic. Basic cable ruined a lot of childrens’ taste in movies.

I kid. I’m so glad I was able to experience the library of 80's Dennis Quaid films before I became the cynical movie snob I am now.

This legend deserves to rest and enjoy himself. I hope he has many more years of creating great music out of passion, and at his own pace.

a lot of writers of television sacrifice integrity of the story for manufacturing drama, and people instinctively know it now. There’s no regard for character motivations and proper set ups. Stuff just... happens. Sadly, the audience is keyed for it now. 

If I had watched it as a child, I’d probably love AotC too. It was honestly a wild-ass movie, and unashamedly dumb. I still kind of hate it, but I can appreciate why people would love it.

What’s great about him is that he is always coming from a position of being a fan as well as a creator and an excellent storyteller.

I’m in the grey’s permanently and this post is ancient, so it’s just you and me okay? I’m not trying to be petty I swear. I’m trying to encourage better writing. This:

“At least, not for long...” makes zero sense as a sentence. It sounds like you flailed for a cliche and just used the first one you found. That whole paragraph is a mess.