
I’d watch it, I’d *love* to watch it and I watched it religiously when it was on BBC America.  Now it’s on Disney+, meaning yet another streaming service that I’d have to pay for, and I’m just not going to be bothered.

I don't think anybody's lost that ability, they're just less willing to invest a small fortune to go see these movies when they can wait until they come to Netflix and vaguely watch them while folding laundry.

Bad movies are fun, especially expensive studio movies with a lot of major talent in the service or a dumb or incoherent story.

It’s only human nature to want to take something like this and screw with it.

Except... this is Germain Lussier we are talkin about. The man is extremely easy - if the movie is even a little bit satisfying emotionally, he will overlook every other problem in it to give it a raving review. Look at his review of Flash from last year.

So, you haven’t seen the movie, but you’re saying his review is incorrect.

Tesla had a huge headstart on the giant electric pickup market and thoroughly squandered it. They could’ve been first, but instead Ford, Rivian, and GM all beat Tesla to market, and with superior products to boot. Headstarts aren’t permanent, and don’t mean much if you don’t continue to leverage them.

They are in an abusive relationship, very similar to the former trump associates who are now testifying against him starting to cry on the stand when they have to say less than wonderful things about their terrible once-employer in front of him. 

haven’t used face or thumb in years for this reason.  Even if you dont engage in criminal activity, the police are famous at taking data and “evidence” and making fit there narrative.  Thats how innocent people go to jail.  cops dont care about guilt, they care about convictions.

Yeah. Way too often there’s an already very lengthy sequence of John taking out a roomful of goons in his signature style, only for a second wave to immediately charge in and he has to do the exact same thing all over again. It doesn’t matter how good the individual action beats are, that gets monotonous.

John Wick 4 was where it was most apparent that each scene was running too long. Most notably the Japan Continental and the big roundabout sequences. Each portion started to feel like a video game where the developers added additional waves of fodder for John to slaughter for no apparent reason. John using nunchaku

I always think of John Carter (of Mars), which should’ve been paced like Raiders of the Lost Ark and not run over 100 minutes. Instead the filmmakers gave it like three framing devices and Carter didn’t get to Mars for over 30 minutes. In the book, which is barely over 100 pages, Carter gets there by the second

Absolutely correct. And I think the culprit here is that directors have gotten way to up their own ass on action scenes. Go back and watch Conan the Barbarian. That movie clocks in a little over 2 hours, but it’s one of the fastest-paced movies ever. It just cooks along, never staying with anything so long that it

It’s an unpopular opinion, but I agree.

As a side note, I’m not sure what is to blame for this, but movie length is completely out of hand today. Roger Ebert had a quote that I love: “No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.” I used to be much more easy going about movie length, but now it’s a shock when movies are 90 minutes. Instead the

This looks like a cutscene from the game of the movie. The PS3 game of the movie.

The thing is, I don’t think that he doesn’t care about those parts. It would have been relatively easy for him to simply not do that stuff in his movies. But as we see in the review here, he’s clearly trying to tell stories and develop characters. He’s just not good at it. You’d think that after however many movies

I was expecting Dash Rendar

They have the same actress playing Death as from the Netflix show. (Was that the plan when this was still nominally an HBO Max show?)

That’d be a bummer. Overwatch seems like a cool world with cool characters that I’d love to engage with, but multiplayer-only is a non-starter for me. I don’t want to play games online, so I was really looking forward to that option.