
Most of the lore and story was written by Michael Chu, who quit a year before Overwatch 2 came out… and I have no doubt it’s because he found out the story he’d been trying to get made for years and was promised he could finally have was being severely cut.

How can people vouch so fulsomely for someone who’s been convicted of multiple rapes? I suspect, as lifelong friends of Masterson, they believe him when he tell them he’s not guilty of the crimes for which he was accused. This is a man they have been close friends with them for over 20 years, and if what they say in

The animation is indeed terrible, but the stories are better.  Some would, with a bit more substance to expand them to twice the length, fit right into TOS S2.  And a few are absolutely brilliant.

Stories like this one remind me of climate change. Think of all the resources they used to make the whole show. Costumes, fabrics, electricity, on and on. The waste is disgusting. Of course we are low on resources. Of course we’re destroying the planet. Just look at the mentality of the people in power, and it’s all

Sucker Punch is great so long as you approach it as 5 super long unrelated music videos someone glued together 

A long time ago I watched something that argued Snyder’s weakness is he doesn’t shoot scenes, he shoots moments and then just tries to get enough of them to fill the runtime.

Also, the success of Barbie and Oppenheimer demonstrates that viewers are getting tired of the 4K TVs they bought during the pandemic and want bigger experiences. They’re not getting that from Quantumania or The Flash, which look like the kinds of things the streamers were offering during the lockdown. The fact that Co

some folks are idiots. some believe the hype about being a self created billionaire, “a BAWSE”, rich enough to buy whatever, whenever.

It’s disheartening to hear an educator discount the impact someone may have on an election just because they are uneducated. As if the uneducated cannot, or have not, sway an election. I doubt most people who happen to agree with my on any given ballot are that much more educated than those who didn’t agree with me.

A rapper who supports Trump might as well stamp, “I’m an ignorant idiot” in big letters on his or her forehead.

Like DarthPumpkin says, the unions are against cutting services because it’s still a revenue lifeline for striking writers and actors.

This was a great adaptation. The studios will return to find the audience found something else to do besides streaming and TV. They’re cutting their own throats.

I mean, it’s no surprise. The Clone Wars and subsequent rise of the Empire were traumatic events for the galaxy, and radically upended the social order. People who were either insulated by their political power or had access to interstellar travel were much more able to weather this trauma. Dexter was a small business

This is not something you’ll ever have as an official product, sorry. They FLIRTED with grim and gritty Power Rangers with the 2017 film, and while I maintain it was good (though that was due to elements completely divorced from anything that could be interpreted as grim), it didn’t have enough momentum to make Saban

I think we can all agree anyone should be free to decline or return an award if they want to. But we’re only having this conversation because some people are saying they want her to return it.

Question: Is there a list of companies / printers that are confirmed NOT to do this kind of stuff? I have a Dell (rebranded Xerox, i think) color laser that’s long in the tooth and in need of update (Chromebooks / phones can’t print to it anymore after CloudPrint shut down).

Yeah, I don’t begrudge some of the returning to the longer-term status quo, but there’s some aspects of the Krakoan Age that should definitely be retained.

“Tenet,” not “tenant.” And “née” doesn’t just mean “alias,” it literally means “born” and should only be used to refer to someone’s birth name. Jesus, people, get it together.

>Joke Lloyd