
Or stop over-analyzing. Why not just play the game as it comes? Go with the flow like the developers wanted. Don't get caught up in the details, it's the journey that makes the story so special, and the icing on the cake is knowing that after this story is over, there are more and more thereafter. Youre letting

Former experienced lead singer here... (of no band you've ever heard of). I worked multiple shows, 2 to 4 sets of 45 minutes, just about every weekend for about eight years.

I have that reaction pretty much every time Deadspin runs one of these isolated vocal articles. The significant majority of readers laughing about this couldn't touch any of these notes if their lives depended on it.

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair

Aside from some questionable attempts to go into a falsetto, I don't see what's awful about this...

The most interesting thing about this is that it was clearly put together by people very familiar with the game series. The music and sound effects were on point, the set decorations were perfect models, the color of the stage/lighting evoked the correct levels to match the music, the costumes were accurate, etc.

Well, damn, now my respect for CCP has dropped to zero. Wouldn't have been so bad if they've actually been working on that World of Darkness MMO, or, you know, something in that universe, then at least I'd have something to look forward to despite this project's closure.

It looks like a SyFy movie that spent $129 million on sets and then realized they had to hire all the actors and do all the VFX with the remaining $1 million.

Would you consider not posting Amanda Bynes tweets? She's clearly unwell and it just can't possibly be worth it to you to broadcast her descent. If you can't stop - maybe just one and not seven?

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

me IRL, watching Miss America

I'm just not feeling the art style...looks very generic. I love MegaMan and am excited for this game...I just wish it had more personality.

I would argue that The Rock is actually a pretty decent actor. He's not Oscar-winning amazing in anything I've seen, but he's much better than quite a few people trying to pass as actors.

The Rock: "I can't figure out which character to play."
Other Actor: "Well, I want Shazam, but why don't we play Rock, Paper, Scissors for it?"
The Rock: *Loses*

"movie version was better"

This game, more than any other title in the 90's shaped my gaming fandom.

I'm amazed at how little this looks like something on a SNES.

Peter, Dick... what is it with the naming of the boys in these books? Is their last name Johnson?