Chase Reynolds

I’m really impressed they were able to get this episode past the censors.

I thought it was great. But it also makes me think - given this season doesn’t look like it’s actually going to be about revenge, after all - that things are about to get very, very dark. Even compared to how dark it’s gotten before.

“Forever” being a little over a year? Out of the Woods and New Romantics were released as a singlew in 2016!

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

If you have a problem with the commodification of and profit from human misery, you’re living on the wrong planet. I know I am.

Especially when so many people are not remembering what actually happened correctly and basing their hatred on that.

Yes people have been saying it for years.

I hate to admit that I am one of the 18 people that watch these Cruz/Sanders debates. In all honesty, both their politics are 97% theoretical and hardly based in any sort of evidence-based policy. Sadly, the more debates they do, the more of a circus they become. Neither are objectively very good at debate, and it

“Buffy” is my favorite tv show. Mr. Brendon, however, is terrible.

Yeah, Bernie/Ted debates are actually a really good idea.

Right? I was trying to search if New York had a law about DV with choking.

Hopefully more, but he’s not in the public eye any more except for his arrests. I seriously thought I was getting a ‘recommended’ old story rather than a new one cause this feels like an exact repeat of last time.

You guys, my sanity can’t withstand clinking the links themselves. Am I reading correctly that his charge for CHOKING a woman was criminal mischief?

Xander is great. Don’t put down Xander. He stands for a lot. He’s important.

1) let’s revisit season 6. The worst monsters are the every day men in our lives.

Or because human memory is imperfect. Especially if alcohol is involved.

  • I’ve been on #TeamAlex since day one. I’m glad to see that, finally, it seems like the writers are, too.

People have been asking “how could someone work with Woody Allen, knowing what they know” for years. Someone who’s actually done so relayed his thoughts on it, particularly because one of the big discussions of the moment is why the film industry so readily turns a blind eye to abuse. There’s worth there.

I’ve given this some thought, and I disagree. I think rumours and allegations about things like sexual abuse should be taken *more* seriously, and people making allegations should be given the benefit of the doubt.