Chase Reynolds

For those of you who watch the good place, remember when (Fake) Eleanor spoke about how she was messed up since her parents got divorced when she was young; meanwhile that other girl she was talking to brought up maybe the most traumatic and horrifying story of her shitty childhood, yet she ended up an amazing human

C’mon dude. They’re talking to you (I assume) one man to another. Unless you’re saying that your sexual conduct, good or bad, is inextricably tied to your race, they’re not telling you to shut up *as a black man*, just as a man. They’re not even telling you to shut up; they’re just pointing out that the #notallmen

Seeing a lot of people replying to his tweet calling him “brave” and “courageous”, and, nope. I’m glad he realizes what he did was wrong, and hopefully he’s sincere about his desire to change, but he doesn’t deserve to be rewarded with praise for this.

Finally! About time a guy came clean and admitted that he, like so many of us men, are part of the problem and that it’s up to us to take the initiative and change.

I recommend small town murder and crime in sports. Especially crime in sports, they take a sports stars fall from grace and put a comedic spin on all the dumb shit they do.

There’s a lot of metal stuff in Lithuania. It was the last nation in Europe to adopt Abrahamic religion, and the veneer of Christianity over the pagan substrate sometimes is very thin. Down by the Baltic shore, over by the border with the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg), there’s a huge sculpture

Are you seriously asking this question? I’ll answer for you: “I’m your father, I’ve been abusing you for years, you’re scared to death of me, now you’re going to do what I say.”

Four episodes ago, Kev was working in a gay bar. This episode, he has no idea where to find a gay man with whom to experiment sexually. REALLY? Also, during his gay bar stint, Vee jealously forbade him from doing sexy gay stuff for money. Why not revisit that if he wanted to get “revenge”?

“It’s possible to be attracted to women and not be attracted to your best friend, even if they’re attractive.”

Ok Bill Cosby.

It’s still very bizarre that they broke up Darryl and Josh the same way that they broke up Alex and Maggie on Supergirl. What hell is going on?

She could pass for Dominican because many Dominicans are part black....

Speaking of The Rock, I have this same fight with people who don’t know The Rock is half black. Or they that being Hawaiian is the same as being Samoan.

So you googled him and figured out he was gay, huh?

A woman will accuse Don Lemon?

It’s not a witch hunt it’s a culling .... it can’t be a witch hunt if there actually is something behind it. Innocent men and women shouldn’t worry because when it comes to employment at least, there are standards of investigations and professional ethics to consider. Now, apparently this is not the case with

Um...white women? I don’t...

Yeah, I heard him referred to as a “journalist” on NPR this morning and I was like WFT? He’s not a journalist, he’s a fucking host. 

The thing is, consensual sexual relationships are a problem because it creates a feeling in the workplace that women need to sleep with him in order to get ahead, or even just to keep their jobs. Even with consent a good HR department would intervene so that the supervisor didn’t oversee the subordinate’s work

He had pink eye! Whereas Matt Lauer had his eye on pink.

...ewwww. that joke was bad.