Bonus: double the fuel...FOR FREE!
Bonus: double the fuel...FOR FREE!
I’d skip the fancy motor and just wire up a big EV battery to a cattle prod. Go full Tesla fire on the enemy.
Put this in the Chang Li Jason you coward!
let me buy that terrier and stuff it in the front of my element driving only the front wheels so i can go out in a blaze of glory.
Always read your owner’s manual. It’s no romance novel with Fabio on the cover, but you’ll learn some interesting and very useful things. Like when to change your oil instead of listening to the kid at Jiffy Lube.
I’ve heard the engine referred to as the Eco OR Boost just to give some context to the argument.
Do they weigh much less in the age of aluminum blocks? maybe a 4 vs 8 cyl but I cant imagine all the extra piping and equipment not offsetting the 2 cyl block and heads saving.
Mild disagree. My company pickup has the 3.5 EB, and it gets OK mileage, but does not have the equivalent power to a V8 when you put a real load behind it. That little V6 just struggles to keep highway speed, where a similarly built pickup with a V8 just cruises.
I once tried to call work from one of those. Work was listed in my phone as "work". I said "call work" eight times. It got confused. I eventually said "fuck off". It called my aunt.
I would pay good money to see that mother fucking on the Monster Jam course just like that.
Well, as the guy who called it out, I didn’t realize the Charger numbers were wrong either, lol.
You can get one shoe horned into an Avenger. That’s hilarious enough.
The 5 speed auto in the v6 Stang was not that bad. Now the 4 speed auto... THAT was bad.
I always wondered, why even settle for anything Less than a V8 for these cars? It’s not like they were that much more expensive. There are people who want the look, but not do what it was designed to originally do?
Oof, that’s what I get for being too enthusiastic about the Dodge Intrepid (where the 2.7 originated).