I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

Don’t even think about making that comment. Don’t.

Well Cecilia...

Title dilution. Instead of one BP title, Marvel had to put out three. And circulation of all three together is lower than the original was, because nobody wants to keep up with it all.

They can do both. I’ve noticed the quality slipped immensely in the past 2 yrs, also dropped most of my books.

I know! We’ll attract more readers with SocJus: The Comic!

I think in the effort to attract new reader they lost old time readers. I used to buy dozen of comics every week. I grew up with Marvel and DC. Honestly, the quality isn’t there. They should try to get people like me back instead of trying to “cultivate new readers”.

Comics are at a crossroads right now, and decisions have to be made about how the industry needs to change in order to sustain itself and cultivate new readers

I see what you are trying to say, but as a business, Marvel doesn’t have the luxury of pleasing a minority population. If the majority of you customers are not buying something, it gets the shaft. Bottom line. You’re living in a world of what you want, but not a world of what actually works. Sorry...I really do

A lot of people are just done with being inundated with “diversity”. I have no issue with having a black, gay, or female character in a comic book, but when you’re constantly being reminded that you’re reading about black, gay or woman character, it gets old. Just do your thing and let it play out instead of turning

On the other hand, though, cancelling the only mainstream comic book featuring an all-black team of heroes just weeks after Marvel’s VP of sales blamed the company’s drop in profit on books featuring women and characters of color is the definition of a bad look.

Fighting -ism (sexism in this case) does not require being -ist back. Becoming what you despise is highly ironic and probably universally frowned upon.

Jesus fucking christ, did you really just say that shit? In 2017? Now who’s the troglodyte who needs to get with the fucking times? Unfucking believable.

Just because someone is female doesn’t mean they’re oppressed; just because someone’s male doesn’t mean they’re the oppressor. Memes that identify people by their group and call them all “trash” aren’t harmless, even when they’re directed at dominant groups; “white people are trash” isn’t harmless just because the

You’re white (judging from your black and white photo, apologies if I’m mischaracterizing your race), so you’re saying that a black woman could call you racial epithets and it would be fine because as a white person you take the role of “oppressor” in the state of the world order? They can go and post “white people

Much better to continue the argument that their are different rules for different groups based on their view of their place in society, because that couldn’t possibly be confusing or subject to abuse, right?  

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

Darn, I was hoping for an infographic to show what different symbols meant

If an ice cube the size of Delaware starts floating down our way, the only thing to do is get a tumbler of whiskey the size of Pennsylvania.