I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

There’s an easier way: just ask them “Why do you think that?” after literally every sentence they say. Offer nothing. Bounce it all back. I’ve never had to ask it more than three times in a row before they gave up and walked away. It’s a real time saver.

The best way is not to argue.  Especially in online forums, there are people who feel they must address every point an asshole brings up.  Just because you stop responding to them does not mean they have won the argument.

I never understood the need to keep up appearances when you have a job that does all the appearances for you. Who cares what car you drive? You’re licensed to pilot a motherfucking JET. Keep your cash and come up with some great retorts for the ribbing that the superficial tech bros and venture cap babies feel they

Is it unique and cool in some way? Sure. Is it remotely reasonable to consider as a reliable, relatively affordable year-round daily driver? Not a chance.

If he just wants a cool hobby car to start conversation and drive to the airport once in a while, great, but that’s not at all what he asked for.

The land cruiser is a great suggestion, especially if you add some personal touches to it, even just nice all terrain tires in stock size; it says I drive this old car because it is cool, I like it, and I can, not that I have to.

I mean, couldn’t *one* of you have given him a reasonable answer?  The only non-troll answer is the Acadia, and he literally said he had no use for an SUV.  I get that there’s a comedy element, but I thought there were supposed to be a few helpful suggestions?

“Do you want the blue cup or the red cup?”

My daughter loves to take long showers, so after we’re done rinsing I say “okay dear, four more gallons of water and it’s time for bed”.

That’s an interesting take.

I really hope this gets out of the greys because it’s a very serious issue.

Here in Ireland there has been a really harrowing case where a teenage girl was murdered by two boys from her school. The Gardaí (our police service) found thousands of pornographic images on a phone belonging to one of the boys.

What’s going on here? These are all genuinely helpful suggestions and it makes me uncomfortable.

Well, considering DVDs still outsell Blu-Rays and UHD Blu Rays... does the average person care if video quality is above 1080p?

I think we have to see the system in the wild and see if options are more granular. For instance, does 35mbps mean a bachelor(ette) living alone playing Stadia? Or a family of four all doing

Right, but the thing you’re overlooking is that unless they’re really close to the screen like PC gamers, no one is really going to have a subpar experience streaming at a lower resolution.

And you’re going to do us the favor of not telling us which they are? 

I think I’ll stay with my practice of going to places that have what I want, at a price I’m comfortable with, and are not too far away from my location.

This is so sexist. Why search for an woman-owned company? If a company makes a good product, or offers a good service, that should be enough.
Ask yourself this: If the quality was poor, or service was crap, would you still utilize that establishment just because a woman owned it? Would you pay more the same quality

You’re now that guy to a bunch of strangers, so who cares.

Now I wanna do a focus group. I love being the cynical, overly-honest asshole of the group for shits and giggles.