I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

Why would anyone be surprised? The majority of the Switch first-party lineup are just repurposed Wii U games anyway, going back 6 years, and Nintendo is notoriously slow at reducing prices on both their consoles and top tier titles.

To be fair that has the speech bubbles removed. 

“Negative emotionality” is actually just “neurotocism.” That’s literally what it’s called in the Big Five.

As usual, no similar deals for Amazon Canada. 

As usual, no similar deals for Amazon Canada. 

Use a grill?

It ‘boggles your mind’? It’s literally an acronym.

The point is a conversation.

I eat all the time, even multiple times per day! (Amazing!) I somehow manage to avoid using my laptops as plates. You should try it!

It’s not just a dollar if you’re doing it every day. If it’s a $2 coffee with a $1 tip, that’s 2.5 extra coffee’s worth per week. 10 a month. Over a year, you ‘tipped’ an extra 6 months’ worth of coffee.

MK8 non-deluxe had battle mode too, it was just more like the crappy Wii version. Deluxe just redid the mode to be better like pre-Wii versions, but screwed over anyone that bought the Wii U version by not updating it.

I’m guessing in Australia, parents still say “no” to their children, and any form of discipline/punishment isn’t treated as if you’re beating them.

It’s not any better to assume everyone must’ve been bad children themselves.

If you’re typing up copy and giving it to a designer, they’ll remove all the extra second spaces anyway.

I had a 17" Powerbook, it was a horrible size. I got it trying to find that sweet spot between portability and a better setup. The reality it was too big and awkward for portability, and at home a 17" screen isn’t going to be better than having a proper 22-27" monitor anyway.

It’s sad that this isn’t common sense.

The bigger issue are bars that have tons of TVs for all the games, but then turn off the game audio and blast top 40.

That was my thought as well, these are people acting like kids in a Toys R Us, not adults shopping for household goods.

Anyone who says it’s not censorship if it’s private is confusing censorship with the constitution.

Sometimes these last few years you’re lucky if you even get black as an option at all. As someone who does not at all view a phone as a fashion accessory, and who always uses a case, I just want a black phone that when in a case doesn’t have a bunch of white, gold, silver, blue, or purple peaking through every gap.

You used the term “culture-appropriating white guys” and then later were criticizing hipsters.