I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

Here in the ex-Gawker network, there’s NEVER a wrong time to shoehorn in tired leftist politics into any article. The Mexican corporate overlords over at Univision that bought this network are very pleased: they don’t really care about making profits, they just like reaching the target demographic with left wing

“The amendment would allow insurers to sell policies that don’t include maternity care, newborn care, ...”

I’m sorry, but how does this article fit into Lifehacker? I don’t remember Gina Trapani going on about LGBTQ issues. All this Politico-type stuff is getting irritating.

Average time spent reading “Gawker” media articles: 12 seconds.

I disagree with the implied conclusion of this post.

This touches upon a problem I have with this video. It wants to brush past the male examples arguing that the sexy naive man is attractive to the women *despite* their naivete. Yet, just like Tarzan, Arnold in Twins, George of the Jungle (who is basically Tarzan), and Starman (if memory serves) that is exactly

Of course, there are examples of male characters who fall into the trope of naive newcomer... but oftentimes it’s played for laughs, and the woman ends up serving as a sort of motherly surrogate.

I can’t wait for that. “A guide for when you come to your senses and want to move from iOS to Android.”

I lost count of the times people come to me asking what’s wrong with their iphones or macbooks and the first thing I look at it’s their storage and the insane amount of pictures they have taking up all the memory.

Yes, get a gmail account, done.

Live and let live. :)

Will there be, or has there been, a guide for going the other way? Seems like my wife is constantly borking her iPhone and asking me how to fix it (9 times out of 10 it’s because she ran out of storage, so I’ll copy her photos to her laptop and delete them from the phone). I don’t use iOS, though, so I told her if she

At least they’ll probably add something to the discussion, whether you or I agree with them or not. Your comment can’t even say that.

Neckbeards? I’m not sure I understand what that means. Yes, I’m on the older side.

If sex is on a spectrum, then aren’t women different than men (opposite ends, or where is the Marlboro man and Barbie on the spectrum please)? And if women are different than men, shouldn’t we treat them differently? But aren’t we told there is no difference between women and men? I am confused. Are men and women the

All that video proves is that Bill Nye doesn’t actually know science. Science shows that there is only two Sexes. Xx and Xy. The whole gender spectrum is literally a psychological condition that isn’t based on any scientific principle.

Also, why are there tire track cloud patterns in the sky?

It’s going to be

Iconic? How about stupid and done for shock value. The previous director had it right. Kevin Spacey’s character punished sins with an inhuman discipline. Morgan Freeman even gives a freaking monologue about it about how disciplined he is. But we’re supposed to think that a plan prepared years ago suddenly gets tossed