I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

That was my early 20s. My late 20s was travelling internationally with friends.

My son is turning 2 and I’m turning 39. Think the wife is prego. But we partied our asses completely off in our 20's in ways we couldn’t afford at the time and paid that debt off in our 30's. I think we did it right.

You already have that money. When you don’t have a partner. And when you don’t have kids.

option A: have fun with friends in your 20's before you have kids/in your late 40’s after they GTFO

Counterpoint, I was able to drink like a fish in my 20's, smoke, eat whatever I wanted, and still function. Your friends are going out, drinking, throwing up, and laying on the couch the next day wondering why they did this to themselves.

Wait, they’re still together?! Kudos to them

Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.

accelerometer + signal strength.

I think it’s sexist that you think I only compared them because they’re both women.

Given there other apps it sounds like it is just a bluetooth signal strength app so you would need to be connected to them for it to work.

No, she wasn’t. People blame her because in every interview she has given, she talks about her decision-making process. She describes it as being very methodical, objective metrics, spreadsheet affair.

In fairness though Marissa Mayer is the Mary Barra of Silicon Valley. She was made captain as soon the hull was breached.

To be fair, this is the kind of thing Apple did more often when Jobs was at the front.

I wonder what Nick Denton is up to these days! Drinks with Martin Skreli? Trying to score a date with Elizabeth Holmes?

In Silicon Valley, you fail up!

The name change is brilliant. Maybe someone will buy them by mistake. It’s their best shot.

She will get a 55 million golden parachute, and she will likely end up on many other boards. Once you’re in the CEO club, you’re set for life. You can fail and fail and fail and no one seems to care.

And I am sure she will get millions of dollars as a severance package for the amazing job she has done at Yahoo...

Altaba? Did Altavista merge with Alibaba?

Apple is actively hostile to consumers, and this is yet another example of how. Nobody should support that shitty company and their shitty dictatorial policies.