I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

You sound far more bothered than they did.

To get this straight:

I meant just in terms of negotiations. While men are apparently more likely to be open to negotiations with other males, they are still more open to negotiations with females, than females are with either gender as the employer.

So “dangerous” only refers to deaths? What about robberies, assaults, rapes, etc?

Note that Codenames really only works if you enforce certain rules. For example, to require that all clues pertain to at least 2 cards. Maybe for familiar players that seems obvious, but it definitely is not when you’re playing with all new players.

Note that Codenames really only works if you enforce certain rules. For example, to require that all clues pertain

You mean continuing to find a new source for confirmation bias on the gender gap is not a lifehack?

Are you saying that someone with years more experience should be paid the same? Because if a person takes 2-3 years out of the workforce for family, and someone doesn’t, then that’s the difference.

“Negotiating with someone who is, even unconsciously, sexist isn’t necessarily a good thing for a woman.”

Because it reveals more unfortunate truths.

Applebees in Canada have standards? Relative to all the other equivalent chain restaurants (Boston Pizza, Montanas, Caseys, Kelseys, Wild Wing, East Side Marios, etc), Applebees is by far the worst. It’s not even close.

Why? Sounds more like it’s just trying to have it both ways, where women are trying to preserve a meaningless expansive social network for no other reason beyond masochism.

You messed that one up. The trick is to own the motorcycle from the start.

I think the solution is just to skip the “diplomatically” part. Just say “no.”

As long as it’s quick enough. Best Buy does 20 minutes, which is pretty much the ideal. If you’re trying to decide whether you should use your lunch hour to pick something up, or on the way home out of your way, you might not have hours to hear back whether it’s confirmed.

There’s still a certain element of chance to even that, since you’re now having to fully trust that the person working there is actually doing their job.

Given how often people don’t seem to at all care about their impact on others, if this is one of the last bastions of decency then so be it.

This is just PR. The unfortunate reality is that the majority of people have no idea how any of this works.

Which is why every interview should be treated as two-way, as the candidate interviewing the employer as well. While it can be difficult if unemployed or otherwise more ‘desperate’, it’s not just about whether a candidate is a fit, but whether the employer is a fit, and whether it’s a place you’d actually want to work.

It’ll cost the same anyway, too. Price drops don’t seem to exist with Nintendo hardware anymore unless there’s a new “improved” model and then the old is quickly discontinued.

What does nepotism have to do with waiting 6 months to schedule an interview?