These are just stylized logos and marketing, not the official names of the game. It's what looks good in a logo or poster. It's fucking stylization.
These are just stylized logos and marketing, not the official names of the game. It's what looks good in a logo or poster. It's fucking stylization.
You could get it on PC, but yeah I think for 360 and PS3 it wasn't released in North America if I remember right.
There was also the situation that, initially, Xbox One was basically going to require an "all use" pass of sorts which would make an "online pass" redundant. EA cancelled their online pass program prior to Microsoft pulling a 180 on their DRM plan.
I can't even keep track of all the exceptions and double standards we have these days. I guess this is what happens as we have fewer "real" problems, our minds still need a threat to defend against and overcome.
I imagine this is a combination of growing pains as they iron out things over time, but also mostly just a lack of incentive.
The biggest thing about BF isn't even the vehicles - even though that's what you always hear, that it's about vehicles and big maps - but the freedom to really play the game to your interests or your strengths.
So if I understand that right, the PS3/PSN has some advantages but is still with some flaws. Where the ideal would be really a combination of the two, but even improved upon from there. As usual, despite multiple options, all are still seemingly arbitrarily restrictive. Same old, same old for gadgets/electronics it…
Maybe, maybe not. And maybe not well. Most people I know actually don't have a tablet. I know they're popular, but still apparently only 1 in 3 "internet using adults" have one, with late 30s - early 40s being the most common demo. That still means the majority of people don't have one (a tablet anyway).
Given people rail on $60/year ($30-40 if you have the internet and are capable of finding sales), using a $400-500 gadget alongside a $500 console isn't really a decent point.
That would probably be the main advantage over Xbox Live, right?
Probably the only time it wasn't shoehorned in was the first Bad Company. The missions were fairly open or at least did a better job of not being linear. Some of them took around 45-60 minutes.
That's probably true, though somewhat odd that it happens now when he's back at #1 in the rankings and won 2013 golfer of the year.
Aw, that'd mean no Madden 25 2: Twenty-fivier. "This time, it's personal."
To me that's what degrades soccer even farther, is that there isn't just one cup. It degrades the success because there's always another "championship" around the corner.
No, if it was out on PC first and console 6 months later, I'd see no need to make sure the console version is mentioned in any article on the game (or 360 v PS3, whatever).
It's up there with people that will enter a conversation about TV to say they don't own a TV, or go to a CoD article to mention they prefer Battlefield (or vice versa).
I think this might be the longest time between a GTA-related post going live and a reference to the PC version. A whole 2 hours. Usually it's within minutes.
"Come on Head and Shoulders... use those seven benefits..."
They're always out.
That is really only relevant if one considers a story to be the primary way to judge a game. It's clear in a game like GTA that the story is really a relatively minor aspect in terms of the scale of the game, and I find characters in a game like that to be someone irrelevant given that you're controlling them.