I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

When you're lying flat on your stomach, you bend your legs upwards at the knee with your feet towards the sky to get up?

I'm 360, but thanks appreciate the offer.

Hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut hut

It definitely makes it harder for those of us with limited time or schedules that don't really match up with friends. I'm sure the game is a blast with a crew and people you know, but I've only been able to play with randoms so far and it's basically a far more aggressive or far more boring version of GTAIV, depending

I don't know of any one that prefers an indoor game to an open-roofed/outdoor game for football, baseball, soccer, etc.

Exactly. It's not as if soccer is an incorrect term anyway. It's basically slang for "association football" and originated in the UK, not the US.

You're trolling, right?

You should really learn about fallacious arguments. I'd start your learning with the straw man.

GTA Online has got around lagging. It just spawns you all right next to each other after a mission and all but one of you get fucked.

Have there been that many friends that you game with that you wouldn't have found out otherwise though?

I imagine it's largely a regional thing as well.

I never said your launch day product is gauranteed to break. But odds are, there have been improvements to your PS3 - even via software not hardware - since launch, right? New services? Fixes to the OS or online services?

Fair enough, but you're one person with one setup. The overwhelming majority of people are not going to have their PC in their living room, or have a great set up that isn't some kind of desk.

Ha, I loved 64, but Double Dash is probably my favorite.

Some people never grow up I guess. The 14-year old in some people never goes away.

It's something that often gets overlooked. Everyone will talk about the online or whether it's a paid service, or the tech specs or whatever. They'll be close enough. But if my friends have one, unless I'm primarily into offline/single-player, you're right in that what they have will be a far bigger factor than

Not for certain games. Playing a game like JC2 with keyboard and mouse was a pain in the ass.

Passive aggressiveness.

In that respect though, this is why you don't get new consoles at launch.

Was 7 much of an improvement on Wii or DS?