I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

Same on traditional controllers where crouch is usually the button on the stick, like where you press the stick in to crouch. I get that it's trying to be efficient since your thumb is already there, but it's frustrating because stick buttons are so easy to press accidentally unless you're a gamer very gentle on your

If using this all the time, as I imagine people who would own a Steam console/whatever would, you'd get used to it quick enough.

That's not polarizing enough for the internet.

In the article they explain how the right trackpad can be assigned to the typical ABXY button set-up.

Have you seen the videos for DCS (Digital Combat Simulator), specifically for the A-10? It's insanely realistic and technical. People actually have to make notes to remember the start-up sequence and even then it can take you a half hour to actually get in the air.

Loveline was fantastic with Adam and Drew.

At first I thought too that it was interesting.

I think it's more that the people in question - whatever the community or hobby or interest - just generally overcompensate for their lack of experience or knowledge.

You'd be amazed how much this comes up. I first hand have only seen it with two girls I've dated, but friends see it far more often. Even my girlfriend is well aware of it among other women and makes fun of it.

Wolverine has healing powers, is essentially immortal in any relative sense, he has claws that extend from his hands (which were revealed to have been around pre-Weapon X, right?).

Except unattractive guys are generally used either for comedic effect (at the expense of their unattractiveness) or to emphasize aspects of their character (an unattractive smarmy executive or agent or villain, etc).

If just stating that any contribution does not include any DLC would potentially be enough to deter someone from contributing, it should've been mentioned, otherwise it's deceiving the backers.

I guess it depends on what people are aiming for, or what they're really after.

I'm somewhere between the two.

That also stems though from how each gender is motivated.

Even if went with the argument that they should've known about DLC, that doesn't address that no matter how much you contributed, none of the packages include getting the planned DLC. Not one.

I had never heard about Candy Crush until the last few days suddenly I'm seeing references everywhere and had no idea what it was. As soon as I looked it up I thought "Oh, this is just Bejeweled, right?"

I had to clean up a puddle of piss once when I worked at Canadian Tire. I came around an aisle just in time to see the mother and child bolting out the other end, with the big yellow puddle in the middle.

They're in movies though to laugh at. You'd never see them cast in roles like George Clooney and Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven, unless the intent was to laugh them.

I'm just surprised none of the cons had to do with fucking Twitter addicts trying to spoil everything for everyone.