I am calm, but thanks

Love SNS? Ever wish it was available 24/7? A long long time ago, jezebel (and all the gawker blogs) had an openthread that was always available for just general chatting. This was back in the days when the comments were actually moderated. It was just a scrolling page of comments, nothing fancy. Jezebel’s was called Gr

And yet probably more functional. 

Love SNS? Ever wish it was available 24/7? A long long time ago, jezebel (and all the gawker blogs) had an openthread that was always available for just general chatting. This was back in the days when the comments were actually moderated. It was just a scrolling page of comments, nothing fancy. Jezebel’s was called Gr

I totally disagree I still listen to that stuff all the time. She is amazing.

What if all this time...she's just an idiot with a "cool girl" persona?

I became invisible at almost exactly age 40. It was gradual either. It was almost instant. It was SUCH a relief. As a gay woman, I was never interested in or flattered by attention from men. I didn’t court it. I wasn’t really that good looking, but it was unavoidable. When it went away, it was like I’d had a rock in

Surprisingly, many pharma companies have entire programs dedicated to helping people get their meds in the U.S. This is only true for meds on patent, not generics. Google the name of the company who makes the medicine + patient access program. They usually have a dedicated phone number and staff that will help.

Go fuck yourself.


I had rough year so I took myself on vacation for xmas and bought myself jewelry. Only my niece got a present. I also plan to give up nothing in Jan. NOTHING. 

Yes. I have been a situation with good insurance and a good job and still been pained my medical debt. I was able to pay it, but it sucked. Shit happens. Example: Go to ER, get admitted to hospital that is in network. Whoops, some of those doctors who came by to consult and/or interpret your tests are out of network.

“Somewhere in the organization is a carefully plotted curve showing how well they need to make their patients to maximize their profits. If they provide no benefits at all no one will buy their pills”

People are so weird about HEB. I don't get it.

There is a subthread that is like a permanent open thread/SNS.

There is a subthread that is like a permanent open thread/SNS.

Me too! I own 4 regular plates, 4 bowls, 4 small plates and various glasses and coffee cups. The idea of a set of china baffles me. I'd have keep it in my storage unit.

Must be a scary time to be a man....who has raped women.

Ok. You know everything about everything. You are right. Thank you for your brilliant addition to kinja commentary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You are now free to leave thousands of other comments on other posts.