I am calm, but thanks

If Merk had the kimd of clinical data that regulatory authorities want for approval, they would have submitted. They wouldn’t hold back data and lose money. The clinical data wasn’t there when it was approved for women. It came later. Studies take years and millions of dollars. They wouldn’t hide this info and then

That's called responsible healthcare based on good science. Which takes time. There were delays in the clinical research for men for many reasons.

What frameworks? 

It was originally approved and marketed as a cervical cancer prevention drug. In the US, the company was even able to fast track it through the FDA. The data for approval in men took longer for a number of reasons. Lower prevalence of HPV related cancers was a big one. Those studies took longer. That wasn’t intention,

Agree. But an individual person who buys a sex doll instead of a fleshlight pays much more. Obviously, the two items are different if someone is willing to pay 20-30 x more.

Something can be ok to be legal, but still worth discussing. Its not just masturbation or “nothing”. That’s my entire (poorly worded) point. Its not black and white or legal vs illegal. I don’t think eveything thats wrong should be illegal, but that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it or acknowledge it might be unhealthy

I took as you, internet stranger, explaining my own thoughts to me as if you know them and can explain them to me (the person having those thoughts). That’s what happened. I took 100% the way you intended and concluded that you are an idiot. Take an intelligence pill.

Ok. Serial killers and genocide are also more disturbing. Can we only discuss the stuff that is, your opinion, the most disturbing thing in the world?

Yes. What does that have to do with this?

I said straight up it shouldn’t be illegal or limited. I only said we should be able to discuss the societal implications rather than just say everything is fine. If neither of us think is shouldn’t be made illegal based on ickiness, we agree. So what is your point here?

OMG. Thank you. I was so confused about this until you explained it to me in this super condescending way.*

That’s not lost on me and it’s very sad. I certainly can see that this is a possibility and much more likely than couples that want a threesome. I certainly don’t rule it out as a large driver to this kind of thing.

There is clearly a difference because people are willing to pay much much much more money for them. It makes a difference to them so they is something there that is different. No one pays 100$ to rent a fleshlight and no one pays 3k for a fleshlight or dildo. I don’t pretend to know what it is that’s different, and

Most of this is absurd and consenting adults should do what they want. This does bother me though. Men already treat women like objects. True or not, it sort of feels like the manifestation of an underlying desire for women to just be fuck toys with holes. That could just be projecting. Not everything gross should be

Love to see these fuckers outed. If every man’s dirty secret was exposed, society as we know it would implode. We have a way of life built on the tacit agreement that we protect male sexual predators.

I agree. I am all about self care, but when did people get so delicate and how do they survive? I also think adulting is stupid. I sort of get the concept if relates to that great/accomplished feeling after just diving in agetting shit done. I feel that way. Like when I dread paying bills or cleaning or whatever and I

I don’t feel attacked at all. I just felt the responses were....naive? I have a disabled spouse with a falling apart marriage. Either way, I’m responsible financially for another person...forever...? I have a niece who I may also end up responsible for (a joint effort with my parents) because my sister is a fucking

Fair. It’s totally fair (as much as anything in life is fair). They pay me a shocking (to me) sum of money with good benefits. I am not working at 2am or something (although lots of people do for less money and harder work). I keep tabs on things in the am so I don’t walk in at 8am to a day that went sidewise without

About 2 ish hours before I leave the house. I do start working from home a bit to get a jump start on email from Europe and Asia. Saves me from going in earlier.

My colleagues are mainly in Europe so they always have a giant headstart. My personal preference is a VERY different schedule. Hence all the crying in the morning.