I am calm, but thanks

The initial rules actually said dating is fine, you just need to keep your circle small and understand that anyone you have contact with, is in your circle. So if you have a partner, and she sees her mom / dad say, and you live with a roomate, your circle is now 5 minimum. You can’t be having multiple partners, etc.

I’m definitely getting a little body horror cringe from it. 

I hate it.

I am going to be the only one... but... the tail grosses me out. 

I have often noticed that liberals seem to argue on conservative terms, instead of questioning assumptions in the first place.

Oof. I’m replying even though all of my sensibilities tell me to not even bother.

If any demographic loves a Swedish mock-Satanic heavy metal band performing as if they were a 1960s group, surely it’s Jezzies in a thread dunking on a former VP for being so old he has dentures. That Venn diagram is basically a single circle.

It sometimes sucks to be a Texan in Texas.

Offended by this comment because Fade Into You is still great. 

I thought it was well written, even if it meandered. Tartt has a way of writing that lets the reader know exactly how a specific situation feels, tastes, smells, etc. I appreciate her talents but she needed an editor.

Don't mean to be rude, but misspelling accurate had me cracking up.

Turns out, everyone who isn’t Rich’s specific kind of gay (adopts mildly ~RAdical~ aesthetics and postures, but openly benefits from the structural advantages of being white, cis, conventionally attractive/fit, ‘coastal media elite) is doing queerness wrong.

eh, i agree with sivan. i think asking such a question reveals more about the person asking then the person replying. did anyone ask Michael sheen in masters of sex if he would like to be pegged?

Pour one out for Clashtalk guys, it’s been deleted. I wonder how much longer will former sublogs last. 

stop old white men 2020

Sorry, but you do really think anyone will EVER interview Kim Catrall and NOT ask about Sex & The City? There are 11 responses in the interview if you click through. Sex & The City is exactly one of them. It’s not Catrall with a problem here. It’s you.

Why? I don’t think he was mean but if I recall correctly he did tell her she was making a mountain out of a molehill, at least as long as she’s married to her husband and has no intention of acting on her bisexuality. 

That is wonderful fucking phrase, that needs to be adopted by the lexicon at large immediately.

Woman that was openly dating 20 men with their full knowledge in the context of a show about a woman dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two but acted like he wasn’t.

I mean they’re getting rich off of it, so I’m not sure it’s exactly misfortune for them. It’s a bunch of attractive white people getting money to fuck each other, I can’t imagine a more ridiculous concept.