
I am utterly confused by the title and content of this article. Title is “The New No Tie To Die Spot Teases a Big Bond Secret”. Yet, there is no content in the article talking about what that tease/secret are. Is this just lazy reporting or click-bait material?

Let’s not get carried away. Second unit films auxiliary scenes, establishing shots, some stunts, etc. They don’t work with the main cast, and have no input on the script. 

A government isn’t the only group able to force its will. Mob rule and mob justice is real. There are many tools available to those who wish to push their personal will and desire onto others. Besides, most governments will inevitably start reflecting the desires and directions of the populace. It starts at the bottom

No, it’s just adding fuel to the fire for people who think feminists are to uptight or that PC culture is ruining society or whatever.

No, it’s just puritanical dweebs insisting it stop being sold. Sure, it’s not a governmental body that’s preventing you from buying the costume (that already exists and was for sale), it’s the baying hang wringing piety brigade. 

Oh god, who cares?

Pressurized carbon becomes diamonds. I’m curious to see what pearls turn into when they’re clutched so hard.

Also, why is it wrong for fans to be pissed off at this casting decision. . . yet perfectly accepable to be pissed off when Scarlett Johansson was - very tastelessly - cast in Ghost in The Shell? Or when they were going to set Akira in the US, essentially making the entire cast white.

It’s exactly the same. If the

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Sapkowski is probably not going to like this, and nor should he.

By all means, I’d be happy to see someone CREATE a fantasy series with people of colour in, hell exclusively POC - give me something like The Witcher but set in feudal Japan with all that culture’s mythology and folklore, I would watch the hell out of

It might surprise you to know that actual Japanese people never had a problem with Cebulski’s pseudonym, or the reasons for it. It was, in fact, a non-story in my home country (Japan).

Yes. I don’t watch this show.  But it seems the cool internet thing to do to hate on certain things and LOVE certain things. 

Seriously! There’s plenty of shows I don’t like. I just don’t watch them.

Celebrating the demise of a disliked tv show makes no sense at all. Let me introduce you to one of the greatest inventions of all time: the Off button.

I um... I don’t think it looks particularly good

It looked fine on the concept but they just had to keep feeding it...

Yeah, comparing Luke to Picard is pretty apples and oranges really.  Luke had to learn about morality while Picard was the one teaching everyone how to be a better person by example. 

It’s like I said in another article: Nobody nowadays knows how to write a character unless they’re constantly in angst over something. 

I wonder how many people here are jumping on the train of all of the athletes who tweeted stupid stuff back in the day. You can’t have it both ways and say well just because overall I like this person so I am going to ignore the horrible shit they said on Twitter.