
“Moonlight, for instance, earned most of its money overseas”....... but, not all? You noted two movies and only one was really successful. What investors would be encouraged by that? Listing more successes would bolster your argument. Interesting, if inadverdant, point you made about the United States..... maybe

How do you know? Do you know all of the right wingers? Probably not so, your statement is both inaccurate and dumb.


Look if you go out and see what he tweeted you’ll be pissed he got 2 films in. Everyone involved in this deal is a fucking scumbag.

Totally... Also, not sure Sweet Baby Jesus is going to be super stoked on this probation.

Yea I agree except for how long it took the emergency response to get to the scene. He was in the car and unbuckled the kid before the first emergency person showed up.

Seriously, dad save of the year.

even if he knew the risk of being on probation or fines or being banned, what parent wouldn’t have still run in to save their child?

Oh, hell yeah. All day. 

Dad take: WORTH IT.

I wouldn’t mind a movie with Rose as the lead character. She was my favorite part of The Last Jedi.

Can I hate Rose for being an annoying and pointless character?

Does it hurt to walk around with that giant stick up your ass?

Is Dude Where’s my Car? a good movie? Absolutely not.
Is it offensive and inconsiderate at times? Yeah.
Is it very much a relic of its time? Regrettably so.

I’m So Woke I Bike Everywhere

If his review was of blazing saddles all it would talk about was how the racial jokes are unfunny.

Now playing

I say this because the Kutcher/Scott makeout scene was total spank bank material for lots of gay boys back then (in the days before free+easy online porn access).

Or....”Im so WOKE, I cant find my car”

No and then!

And then?