
Yeah, Elon Musk is dumb.  Sure, and you are writing articles for Jalopnik.  

We've gotta a Thoughtcrime over here all!  Grab the pitchforks and torches!

Remember when Scarlett Johansson was called out for playing the lead role in Ghost in the Shell? People complained the role should have been played by an Asian actress. Personally, I don’t care who fills a role as long as they do a character justice. It just seems a bit hypocritical when people advocate black

Imperial Shuttles were not introduced really until “Return of the Jedi”. The Tydirium shuttle was later added to reedited versions of “The Empire Strikes Back”. Perhaps Tie Bombers, the Executor Class Super Star Destroyer and Snow Speeders would be more appropriate selections. Oh, and you forgot TAUNTAUNS and the

Great!  Now we are celebrating beastiality!  A new low for society.  Boy, that pendulum is going to swing back HARD.  When it does, guess who it is going to hit first.  Revel in the insanity while you can.  Nature always has a way of correcting its mistakes.  Like it or not, that's life.

Prepare for more failure Disney. The Star Wars franchise is circling the drain. Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Trump 2020!!!!!


Race, race, race.  So much for the content of one's character being more important than the color of their skin. 

Let's hope not. 

Are you advocating violence? I wonder what Dr. Martin Luther King would have to say about the matter?

If your blind in one eye and can't see out the other. 

You must be joking. 

Let's burn some books while we are at it!  Mark Twain must be rolling in his grave. 


Sexist much? 

If you are not happy with the place you work, leave. Fund someplace where you will be happy. You are more likely to become successful by moving to an environment that will foster your growth and value your skills. Trying to change others can be frustrating and all too often futile. Focus on what you can control.

“Moonlight, for instance, earned most of its money overseas”....... but, not all? You noted two movies and only one was really successful. What investors would be encouraged by that? Listing more successes would bolster your argument. Interesting, if inadverdant, point you made about the United States..... maybe

Cultural appropriation! Where is the white cast of the rebooted Jefferson’s or Sanford and Son? Let’s see Shaft played by a white woman! Gimme a break. How about a reboot of Different Stokes with an Indian family adopting some Brazilian kids? Maybe the A-Team with B.A. played by a white Jew?  How about a movie where

Lost me at "diversity"...