
The decision to recast the Ghostbusters as women went over pretty well. That film was a huge financial and critical success! Then again, I could be wrong......

I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Double-standard. Do as I say, not as I do.

Lambs to the slaughter.

Looks like Communism is in fashion too. Too bad. We never seem capable of learning from history.

Where in the Constitution of the United States of America does it state that the government is responsible for covering the costs of a citizen’s healthcare? It is not in the Bill of Rights. I am unfamiliar with any Healthcare related Amendments. Where does this idea come from?Nobody owes you anything. If you want

What does “bro-ish intimidation” mean and how did it manifest in marketing?

Cultural appropriation! First hoop ear rings, dreadlocks and Ghost in the Shell.....and now a female, black Dr. WHO! What next? Where does it end? LMFAO!

Good point. What do you mean I have to show an ID in order to vote! Nonsense! I already have to do that when I by liquor!

Cops suck!!! That is unless need one in an emergency, in which case I fully expect them to put their life on the line to save my dumb ass.

Truth hurts sometimes, right? Ah gee wiz, I’m a good white liberal, honest. Blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, white...

LOL! Bullseye!

LMFAO! Wow! White mom...wife wife...LOL! No racism to see here....move along!

LOL! Good luck with that. 🙄


People are getting tired of diversity (brain washing) being shoves down their throats. We all know it’s true. It couldn’t be more obvious. The diversity hand has been way overplayed. Diversity creates even more divisions in our society. What ever happened to the idea of judging one by the content of their

Your critics, here, are calling you a racist because they know that you are right. They must try to diminish your logical argument by calling you names like “racist” because they cannot beat truth with their PC BS. You have exposed their hypocricy, so they are compelled to attack you with name calling and false

This reminds me of the time that the cast of “Hamilton” was not racially accurate.

“At least he’s smart.” ......and yet, Trump became, and is, the President of the a United States of America. Clearly the gathering of anti-Trump rocket scientists, on this website, are representative of the intellectual giants among us.
