
How do you know? Do you know all of the right wingers? Probably not so, your statement is both inaccurate and dumb.

Lame sauce.

How do you know that he has become a "better dude" dude?  Do you know that pedo personally?  If not, how can you be sure he hasn't become a worse dude?

All conservative, or just some?  Lol!  Grow up cry baby.

Na na na na, hey hey goodbye!  I love watching leftist eat their own.  Cha cha cha!  What goes around comes around!  

Cry us a river.....







Rape and pedo jokes are NEVER funny!


Well said.

Borders exist for a reason. What about all of those immigrants that try to enter the United States legally? Why are illegal aliens entitled to cut in line and snag opportunities from them? How is that fair to legal immigrants? The United States is under no obligation to accept any and all illegal aliens into this

The Last Jedi was a horrible Star Wars movie. Rose Tico was an annoying, lame, pretentious character.

Now let’s see a review of “White Chicks”. WOKE

Now let’s see a review of “White Chicks”. WOKE

....now try again, with facts.