
In 2013 the CDC released the results of a survey that found that fewer than 3% of respondents self-identified as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. 

You misunderstand, I am all about choice. For instance, I choose whether or not to engage in sexual activity that may potentially lead to a pregnancy. I choose to accept responsibility for the choices I make. I choose to lend my voice in support of those who have none.

Actually,baby killers are far worse.

According to the CDC, 29% of black women get abortions compared to 10% of white women. That’s a problem that is seemingly ignored by the left. Black women (as of 2014) were 3.5 times more likely to have an abortion than a white woman. Pregnant black women should not be led to believe that the only option for them, and

What is the basis for your assertion that “Pro-Life” groups usually don’t give a shit about actual lives? Do you have data to back that up or are you just spewing nonsense? Off hand, it appears you are the one slinging “Bullshit”. Prove me wrong, show us the hard evidence that backs up your statement.

“Anti-choice” group? Nice. That’s like calling an “illegal alien” an “undocumented migrant worker”. I would like to see Melanie write an article about the number of black children that have been aborted since abortion was legalized in the United States. I thought black lives mattered? Why is the left so keen on

Oh look, another article about racism on IO9!

If Charles didn’t complain about racism constantly, he wouldn’t have a job. It is getting old. United we stand, divided we fall.

Cheese n’ crackers!

Gizmo’s box from Gremlins contained the magic shield orb.

The writers that contribute to this website are way too obsessed with race and sexuality. It is to the point of being ridiculous. Oh well, at least the focus of this article wasn’t focused on Black Panther again. Let the indoctrination continue.

“Get Out” didn’t win best picture simply because, although it was good, it was not the best IMHO.

You mean like some people complained about Scarlett Johanasson starring in the “Ghost in the Shell” movie? Nat Wolff in “Dead Note”? Rooney Mara in “Pan”? Tilda Swinton in “Doctor Strange”?

If the movie is so good, why not release it in May, November or December along with other blockbusters?

Isn’t February consider a “dump” month for movies?

I miss my black 1987 Mazda RX-7 Turbo II. I miss her so much. Now I am sad.


Is Hamilton considered blackwashing? Hmmmm.....

LOL! Written like a true hypocrite. Hung up on race, yet again. No effort made by anyone will ever be enough to appease the likes of Clarkisha. She sees color first and always. What is that saying about judging someone by the content of their character and not the color of their skin? Hmmmmm, who said that? Oh,

Great! More “white washing!”