
Great! More “white washing!”


Those attacking Shatner’s age are proving his point.

How about a show that dives into the origins and history of slavery in Africa. You could have a spin-off that focuses on the modern day slave trade that still exist in Africa. The latter could touch on forced labor, child slave labor, involuntary African “sex workers” and ritual slavery that still runs rampant in

“Whitewomaning” - A term adopted and used by hypocritical, ignorant racists.

If someone doesn’t take the time to find out current market value of something they intend to sell, that is their own fault. One shouldn’t feel ashamed or immoral for taking advantage of another’s laziness, stupidity or ignorance. It is the responsibility of the seller to know the value of his/her/its property. It is

Nice. A cartoon for kids featuring a soundtrack by a pedophile.

How many these sexual claims have been validated? Is it possible that some of these claims are fabricated or exaggerated? Should we just assume women never lie?

I think Black Panther should be transsexual!

The pendulum will swing back, and it will swing back HARD! The left keeps stepping on the toes of feet that will crush them later.

I couldn’t agree more!!!

I couldn’t agree more!!!


The ignorance exhibited by the author of this article is absolutely astounding.

Why should Mr. Carter be compelled to bring on a woman writer if he doesn’t want to? Did it occur to you that perhaps he was unable to find a woman writer that he felt was qualified enough to carry out his vision? If Mr. Carter is the “show runner”, then isn’t it his prerogative to decide whom he hires as writers


“Good people held office”....more left-wing intolerance and nonsense.

Talk about making mountains out of mole hills!

Ironic that Eric Holder, the former Attorney general and the first sitting cabinet member to ever be held in contempt of Congress, is making recommendations regarding ethics.

“...do better with diversity....” How about we do better by hiring individuals based on their qualifications instead of their sex or race?