
What Muslim ban? If you are referring to Trump’s executive order, it does not target Muslims. It applies to individuals from particular countries that have been and are State sponsors of terrorism - which I am confident you are well aware of. Seriously, all this anti-Trump nonsense will blow up in your face -

“Still putting down more horsepower than an FR-S, amirite?” .....and a Miata, and a lawn mower, and my toaster....

Scared? Of what? The DOW hitting 20,000 again? Clearly ignorance is color blind and spares no gender.

“You might be able to fake the news,” the writers on this website just can’t help themselves. Mmmmmmm, lame sauce served with sour grapes. Delicious!

I look forward to reading the comments section on this website everyday. The level of ignorance and hypocrisy on display is breathtaking. I am always impressed by the sheer number of sheep that are capable of saying so much more that Baaaaaa!(no pun intended). Seriously, this website offers such guilty pleasures.

I wonder if the Secret Service reads these posts and if they do, do you suppose they have taken note of “Brian, The Life of” advocating violence toward a man running for President of the United States of America? “Brian” appears to be really upset over what Donald Trump has said. I hope he doesn’t really want someone

So it’s okay for you to label millions of people, you don’t know personally, “dumbest motherfuckers on the planet”? That is a pretty prejudicial statement. Donald Trump supporters are made up for of men and women from all ethnic backgrounds and you just insulted them all. That is sexist and bigoted!

Two words.........Bill Clinton. NUFF SAID!

Glass houses people. Seriously, just read some of the comments posted here. Hypocrisy runs deep. Who among us hasn’t said something vulgar, insulting or tasteless about another human being? Why are so many people so shocked by this nonsense? It is human nature. I would wager that there is not, and has never been,


Well said.

Why are you apologizing for being correct?

What if you are a woman and find the reference “Chick” sexist?

Superman has always, and will always, draw more attention than Supergirl. More attention equates to more money for advertisers and the CW network. The CW is a business that exist to generate profits. It did not come into being as a platform for show casing the agenda and desires of Social Justice Warriors. Simply put,

......all don't add up to anywhere near the body count racked up by Muslims.

I couldn't agree more!

The KKK has been responsible for significantly fewer murders than Muslims.

The Muslims invaded North Africa and Western Europe. They were not welcomed with open arms as your post implies. Charlemagne stopped the invasion. It is estimated that some 270 million “nonbelievers” were killed by Muslims Jihadists over 1400 years.


That is simply not true.