
The women involved in "Gamergate" should consider themselves fortunate. There are millions of women around the world that suffer real oppression every single day of their lives. Throughout the Middle East and Central Asia women are often prohibited from going to school. It is not uncommon for women, in these

I see some ED-209 in that Hunter-Killer.

These courageous women have much to teach the world about standing against tyranny!

NEWS FLASH! Men and women ARE different. That is an undeniable fact. Men are typically bigger and more rugged than women. Most women tend to be softer and more frail than men. Don't take my word for it, open your eye and look around. Would most women be more interested in talking about reality TV or football?

OMG! Here we go again. Someone always seems to find a way to bash "white men". Thanks, in large part, to white men, you are able to do so without worrying about having your head chopped off or being stoned to death.

Excellent points! You just destroyed Kat's argument. Well played.