Hypotenus Love Triangle

SSSPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRTTTSSS!!!!!! To be fair... he was in complete control, wasn’t gonna drop the baby, and caught the foul. Just another classic case of a woman getting upset over nothing.

This one?

Pharoah gobbles donkey goober.

The reason I don’t play those old games anymore is because THEY SUCK oh my God did they suck.

Lock them up for being DUMB AS SHIT!

hahaha. It’s midi-chlorians. Regarding the old EU, they never explained why they didn’t clone body parts for him, at least from the stuff I read... However, in Dark Empire (fuckin’ sweet!) it’s revealed that Emporer Palpatine uses clones to transfer his essence into when his body falls apart due to the stress the dark

According to my Japanese wife, showing off bra straps (or bras in general, especially if the girl is chunky and wearing a nude bra) is gross, disrespectful, and impolite. To me, the rare red-blooded, white, American male rarely seen in the wild... I couldn’t give a shit about it.

What about the Dark Universe ISN’T dumb. seriously. Just watch Monster Squad. It’s got everything you need.

Women directors, black actors and actresses don’t make movies old, white men want to watch.

jesus christ.

I guarantee you, if they had hired me like they were supposed to, they wouldn’t have had this problem from me.

I’m gonna go ahead and be the first person to say this on record... This movie is GONNA SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my God does it look terrible. A Universal Monster shared universe?! They already did that and it was called Monster Squad. It was a masterpiece. That’s it. End of story. Let the Universal Monsters Rest In Peace.


what.... tha.... fuck?

What is this nonsense??? friggin’ nerds.

Nope! Hawkeye still sucks!

Hmph. Clearly ripped out. However, one’s depressing while the other is hilarious.

Jesus Christ... a guy I work with... that’s confusing.

Now playing

Don’t forget this old jem. United breaks guitars.

If only Mark Wahlberg was on board the flight so he could have stopped this madness.