
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree then, cause any version of heaven religions presented is the better choice than anything here. It would probably be impossible to miss or have any negative feelings just by the sheer definition of heaven! Once you’re there everything is great. Now if this is some vague afterlife

Cause every single aspect of your life would be better. EVERY aspect. Not even slightly better, but leaps and bounds better than anything you’ve experienced or will experience. Even the greatest life here would be garbage compared to what is on the other side from what religion says. So... why wait? Your friends and

Yeah, I’m assuming if people are commiting suicide the answers to both those questions are known... if it is proven but vague I’d change my answer :D

I could never use resistance bands... I have the probably paranoid fear they’ll snap and take my eye out. Every set I was like “ahhh...here it comes....*wince*”

I’ve got a nice life, but if you guaranteed knew that you have an ETERNITY in heaven waiting for you and there was no test to get there... why not? Why waste time here? It’d be like living in Gary, Indiana when you could move... anywhere else for free and have all your needs paid for. What is 60-100 years on earth to

I was wondering if Simmons is stuck in the coffin! They said something about how when they hack in they’d take the place of their AI clones... sooooo......

Agreed. I was on the edge of my seat. That was some good stuff. This season overall has been such a breath of fresh air after all the Inhumans boredom.

I initially hated Signs.... but rewatched it recently with the “They’re Not Aliens....” perspective and enjoyed it.

I mean... i’ve done 10 years as an EMT. Another 10 in Child Protective Services. Currently working with drug addicts. I have seen enough “reality” for my lifetime, I don’t need to see it in my entertainment too. So yes. Blockbusters to let me forget the horrible things in the world, please. THe more unreal the better.

I mean... going by Rogue 1 unless they moved the glorified floppy disk with his information on it somewhere else all that could have been lost with Starkiller.

Oh come on...I.... actually I agree with you, enjoying AoS more than Flash/Arrow this season. In a total surprise to me I’m enjoying Legends the most. Probably the biggest turnaround a show has ever given me.

Having actually gone through a house fire a few decades ago, my heart didn’t stop jackhammering after our escape for what felt like hours. For sure a pacemaker would pick that event up.

I watched Man from UNCLE randomly late one night on cable and absolutely loved it. I had never seen the original series and came in with zero expectations so that may have helped, but I so wish there was a sequel.

My wife is a teacher and she refused to “wear black” or any other nonsense in school. She got a lot of silence when she told the Trump voting teachers who were organizing this shit, “What did you think would happen when you blindly vote for a party that has been demonizing our profession for decades? You want to help?

That’s a good run down! Since you seem to know what you’re talking about... are the stat gains when you level random? I’ve seen people say no, yes and “yes, but at max level we’ll all be the same”.

Fucking Camilla, I sit down to play the game and end up going, “Welp, guess I better go masturbate.”

My hope is he is a failed one term president, and his name will become synonymous with corruption and stupidity in the history books. It would basically be the perfect punishment for him.

A network of tunnels and secret passages has been my dream for a house since I was little. If I ever hit it big I’m going nuts with them. I blame Webster, which convinced me secret passages are necessary to thwart burglars.

My wife and I agreed to each tell our closest friend (In her case her sister, in my case an old friend) pretty much as soon as we had the positive pregnancy test. We’d been trying for 3 years and wanted to share the exiting news, and also have that support just in case the worst happened. (everything went more than

Having worked in CPS and FC I always laugh my ass off when people complain about how much money is spent on food stamps and how they should “cut that off”. Yep... cause then the kids would be in Foster Care and instead of a few hundred a month in food stamps you could now potentially be spening 20k+ per month per kid.