
And that, I believe, is why she kept the fight on its feet.

Ronda didn’t lose. Holm won. Let’s give her some headlines!

This is why people root against Chicago sports. At least why I root against Chicago sports. You had Michael Jordan win six championships in the 90’s, for that matter you had Michael Jordan. You had maybe the greatest team in NFL history a decade before that. The Blackhawks have won three of the last six Stanley cups,

Fuck the Cubs. Fuck Andre Dawson. Fuck Wrigley Field. Fuck The Ivy. Fuck Harry Carey. Fuck Moises Alou. Fuck Joe Maddon. Fuck Sketchers Shoes. Fuck The Curse of the Billy Goat. Fuck Eric Stoltz. And Most Importantly Fuck You.

You’re right...it’d only be fair, cubs fans were nothing but graceful after their wins in the wild card game and NLDS, so we really should try to—PPPFFFFFFT BAHAHAHAHA oh man, sorry, couldn’t finish that one with a straight face


Cubs winning the World Series would be the worst thing ever and there’s not a close 2nd.

Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.

You’re dead on.


That “captivated crowd noise” = Most Wisconsinites are just shocked to see a human being running.

I agree that context matters a lot, but I think the video was about the United States.

As a woman, I have a hard time relating to the modern feminism movement, and I would imagine most men have an even harder time.

Finally men will suddenly have a better sense of color matching, emotional connectivity, multi-tasking, and nurturing. And women will be able to lift as much as men, protect as well as men, and play football as well as men.

This is another made up problem. We already have gender equality. We already have laws preventing the denial of women to vote. We already have laws preventing companies from paying men more than women if they have the exact same skill set, experience and background. We already have the 14th Amendment guarenteeing the

This article could not be a bigger, more petulant, wet blanket. I voted against him twice (yes, it was a vote against him), and obviously don’t view his presidency favorably. But he was awesome in the few months following 9/11, and this moment was a highlight (when I/we still needed one) that still gives me chills.

Can someone link me to Deadspin’s article each time President Obama does his NCAA bracket on SportsCenter?

I agree calling him the greatest of his generation is a bit incorrect because he is the greatest OF ALL TIME

As an asshole Patriots fan who has a Stanley Cup made out of empty Skoal tins standing in his bedroom, I can assure you that Tom Brady is the greatest man this country has ever produced.

Typical liberal keyboard warrior rhetoric, what do this guy, batman theater guy, and every other shooter - hell - every other KILLER (lets just broaden this scope of conversation) - like nurse mom who dismembered her fucking son, have in common?
THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No amount of background checking