
i’m sure i’m still in the greys here but fuck it.

maybe the first and last time anyone will appreciate Philly fans

I don’t know if I hate the Cards or the Cubs more. Both have insufferably obnoxious fanbases, although I guess the Cubs have the sympathy factor. Regardless of the outcome, I hope they set the “historical” trash heap known as Wrigley Field and the entire surrounding area on fire.

Now playing

also a classic in the adventures of CS gun tossing:

well, this is awkward

Leslie is literally the only one of you with a shred of common sense in this matter.

yes, and it’s an issue - in those countries. A big reason people get annoyed (to say the least) over this constant parroting of “gender equality” is because of this type of stuff being blown out of proportion as if we’re still in the middle ages here in America. Meanwhile a lot of that actually IS a big problem in

yeah, I used to drive a 350Z and I could routinely wring about 27-28MPG out of it on highway trips - so I imagine a couple MPG lower is about what you’d get from a G35/37.

you guys can’t have it both ways - you can’t state that only people “miles or hours away” from police stations should own guns and then turn around the next goddamn day bleating about how corrupt and racist the police are in the US - an issue I’m SURE is going to be revisited. At least have some consistency in the

never thought I would say this, but the MTG deck to sports star comparisons were startlingly on point. I’d like to think Eli Manning is a dubiously constructed Ad Nauseum Tendrils deck that only wins every so often out of nowhere in infuriating fashion. Yes, I’m a Pats fan.

From another person who doesn’t get hangovers - this is what I do that works:

this stuff is the quickest way to white girl wasted in 3 drinks this side of a Vegas bomb

It’s not in the same league as Allagash White or Gumballhead, but Two-Hearted Ale gives Bell’s enough credibility to make people think otherwise. I’m not really a big fan of that either, but that’s another discussion.

yep - as a non-Hawks fan living in Chicago, you really can’t understand the intense loathing for the whole “fan” base until you live here and experience the overwhelming sense of entitlement and general shittiness firsthand. I don’t even mind the team itself too much, but the fans have amplified my hatred to record

I actually don’t even mind BMW drivers (well, aside from the people who drive 7 series with absolutely no regard for anything within a 50 yard radius), but Prius drivers really get on my nerves. Also, every single person I know who drives a Prius never has anything but NPR on in their car, which somehow amplifies the

NCAA basketball is objectively terrible in comparison to the NBA product.

old BRD needs to be implemented. That place had the craziest trash pulls, and basically required about 3 hours if you actually wanted to clear it entirely.

I’m Asian, and I would pay dollar bills to see Mulan starring Megan Fox, directed by Michael Bay.

This. LAX is by far the worst when it comes to TSA interaction, and how they handle security, which is a good 75% of what makes the airport experience miserable. Not to mention the police outside who get in your face and scream if you’re waiting longer than ~15 seconds to pick someone up.

wrigleyville is already an atrocity, the only reason anyone thinks wrigley is a good ballpark is because a) they're drunk b) they're drunk