
I am shocked—SHOCKED— that Greg is framing this particular tragedy as a broader gun problem while casually dismissing the specific actions and intentions of a violent racist under the rug.

Every muscle group every day with no recovery period...? Oh, you’re an idiot saying dumb stuff. Never mind.

I am only responding to you to say how absolutely terrible this advice is. If your goal is cardio and cardio alone then this is promoted to mediocre advice, but working every muscle every day is one of the silliest things I’ve seen in a long while. Even if your goal was cardio, working out every muscle every day is a

In Gawker/Deadspin’s eyes, the only people who can truly do damage to society and be held responsible for their actions are white men. Seriously, I would like to know how it feels to wake up and dig for different reasons to be a victim every morning. It seems exahusting.

the Women’s World Cup is entertainment

AHHHH HAHAHA this dumb bitch is everything wrong with the modern woman. You’re wrong, you don’t know what you’re talking about, and instead of shutting the fuck up you tell everyone who knows you’re wrong to go fuck themselves.. Nice Job, you’re a shining example!

He didn’t do the face tattoo moron. Thats Gucci Mane but by all means keep trying to be snarky, its cute when you make yourself look stupid.

Well how about this fat-tits, get two golf balls, put them in a small satchel, then stuff them between your legs, and see how comfortable you feel. nm79, don’t apologize for anything. The dumb bitches complaining on this issue are mostly over entitled slam-pigs tipping the scales past two bills easily and I bet my

Lets not.

A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.

...where is all the Taylor Swift?

1. Hit

I don’t hate the Blackhawks. Their fans though?

Sorry, no. Fuck the Blackhawks and fuck the entire sewer of a fan base.


As a Red Wings fan I will have to strongly disagree. The Blackhawks are very good no doubt, but that doesn’t prevent me from hating them and their legions of obnoxious bandwagon fans. I absolutely loathe Andrew Shaw’s face, Brian Bickell’s style of play and Toews’ self-serious schtick.

A few of the 10% variety will knock you on your ass rather quickly. I submit myself from this past Saturday night as evidence.