
Well. then maybe it shouldn't purport to be a magazine about surfing and change its name to Cocks. Pretty sure the subject of surfing is not gender-specific.

The sole act of the whiteface itself isn't racist, as there's no history of white roles being cast by actors of color because the cast didn't wanna deign to hire a white person. Whiteface and blackface don't work the same way. I mean, whiteface isn't even a thing.


Everyone: Just leave everyone alone.

Yeeeeeah. I (and many others) called bullshit at a child named Tommy in 2014. I might've bought it if his name had been Caden.

"Answer honestly … would the man you’re dating push his meatball to your side of the plate?”

Yeah, he would, cos he's a plopper, just like me. And that's how ploppers love—WE LOVE FOOD MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD AND TREAT IT AS CURRENCY. You plopped yourself into a corner there, lady.

Ha, I'm dating a German guy right now (who is 39 and decidedly not a teenager) and he immediately asked me to download What's App so we could text each other. I'd never heard of it and he was shocked.

Anyway, I totally don't understand it. Uh, isn't that what your phone number is for? To send texts?

Oh, yeah, and he

No, worth mentioning like actually mentioning it. I'm on my phone on my lunch break; i'm not sitting here clicking on every link.

I'm always surprised when I read anything about Brittany Murphy's mysterious death that doesn't mention the fact that her husband died of the exact same symptoms several months later. And the mom died too, right? And they all lived together? SEEMS WORTH MENTIONING I DUNNO

Man, am I glad to read this. I know it sounds self-pitying to some (usually male) ears when I say so, but I am still utterly shocked on the regular at some of the rude things people say to me about my short hair. Men and women alike. And FYs, i watched The Great Gatsby the other day and fricking Daisy Buchanan had

Well, I'm on OKC and all that shit too. My friend just refused to shut up about Ashley Madison, over the course of several months, and I was like FINE I WILL GO LOOK. And that's what happened when I went and looked.

Again, my point is that, yes, I found a lot of "douchey men who are trying to cheat" and then I also

So I've tried AM, at the practical insistence of my married friend whose much-older husband doesn't want to fuck her often enough. She got tired of begging him for sex, so she amassed a whole stable of hot young dudes lined up to fuck her on her lunch break. I'm quasi-single (I broke up with a boyfriend of many years

I'm telling you, I just got measured like six months ago. All I'm saying is that it's really hard to find cute bras in AA, so I usually resort to As, which don't quite fit. That's it.

Yeah, I'm not sure why anyone would ever presume to know the actual bra size of a stranger on the Internet, especially when she just told you what it was.

(Actually, that's not true at all—I work for Nordstrom and have had a fitting recently, so I know that I'm a 36AA. But I knew that before too. Because I knew that A-cup bras were too big.)

All I know is that I swim in standard A cups. As in: I can, like, put my groceries in there.

Ditto, dude. I'm a 36AA; I'm like ". . . I don't think I was actually invited to this club meeting."

I have this issue (actually a 36AA) and nope, never found a bra that works. If I scavenge hard enough in Target's teen department, I can sometimes find a bra with a small-enough cup size in my adult band size. Invariably with giant foam cups, because every woman under a B cup wants her boobs to look bigger, right? Why

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I actually date men who don't like my body. I definitely fuckin' don't. I just mean that they're hard to find in this part of town. My ass and I are the sleeper hit of the summer, apparently.

Enh. I moved away a few times, but I keep coming back. I've been able to find dudes here and there who're into it. Anyway, my only point is that Nicki's (and my) physique is not generally the preferred one here in the Pacific Northwest. Regrettably! So this is good news! Tally ho and whatnot.

Yeah. Sadly, I didn't have it yet in 1992. (I'm in Seattle too, home of Mix. The tragedy!)

Also, I'm white and have mostly dated white dudes (because I'm in Seattle). My ass has been less popular among that demo. Go fig.