
my friend, a conservative jew, had her first son circumcized and found it so barbaric that she couldn't bring herself to have it done to her second son several years later. she's very religious and it's still an issue for her, years later. just wasn't worth it to her psychologically.

oh, my god, punch "luc carl" (with or without the umlaut) into image google. HAW HAW YOUR HAIR IS INTENTIONAL.

ha, own "more" alexander mcqueen. so she has a paper route, then? babysitting gig?

gorge photo, but that grainy-ass invite looks like i made it in MS paint.

"We also use many insect products to dye our foods, such as the red dye cochineal in imitation crab sticks, Campari and candies."

@delicatedisarray: hear, hear. a friend just told me about ca.jezebel, thus ending my however-long absence. the new format is unreadable.

OK, haw haw, i've never had kids, so maybe i just don't Get It, but . . . she seems a little too angry to be credible.

is that where scrooge mcduck goes to dive into his money and throw it in the air and shit? his cash warren?

that upside-down apostrophe (aka an opening single quote) is driving me insane.

@caffeinequeen: The other day, my boyfriend was like, "Hey, what's Orville Redenbacher's favorite drink? . . . CORNac!" but he was using his Borscht Belt accent and I thought he just said, "cognac." And I was like "favorite joke."

That's so fucked up. Glad this is getting major press. Pass this on, everyone. I want this church shamed all over the Internet.

@Wandell: Oh, man, I just submitted a pic of my 7-month-old kittens. Stay sharp out there!

@ex_cimmerian: Thanks for the thanks. Yeah, "lots of love & pain on all three sides" is an excellent way to say it.

@LadyLigeia: Well, obviously. This was a post wherein I talk about how wrong I was.

@Excusado: Well, yes, but I didn't dump him when I found out he had a girlfriend, so it's partially on me. I see what you're saying, though.

aaaah, salai! i have to go read the second mrs. giaconda again now.

I've only done this once, and he wasn't married, and his girlfriend was actually significantly younger than i was (he was 35, I was 28, she was 24.) I also made a decent amount of money at the time, while she'd never held a job and lived with her parents. From my POV, I had more of a right to him, since they were

can't help but be reminded:

"Who isn't sick of seeing flat-chested women celebrated on the covers of men's magazines while large-breasted are women passed over for roles in movies and television?"